You can create one or multiple products as required. Once a product is created and saved, you are directed to the Product Details page. On the Product Details page, you can either activate or clone the product.
To create a product
Go toADMIN SETUP>Product Administration>Products. A list of products is displayed.
ClickCreate New. The New Product pop-up is displayed.
SelectCreate New Productand clickContinue.
Select the type of product you want to create:
Standalone: This is an individual product that can be sold on its own.
Bundle: Any product that has other products (options or bundles) associated with it.
Options: This is a product that can be sold with a bundle product only through an option group. If you create an option product, you must first associate it with an option group.
Enter the following product information, as required.
Product Name
Enter a name for the product. This field is mandatory.
Product Description
Enter a description of the product. This description is displayed when the user clicks the product name on the catalog page.
Product Code
Enter a product code. The Product Code can be an internal code or a product number to identify the product within the org.
Product Family
Select a product family to categorize the products.
Product Type
Select a type of product. For example, Equipment, Service, and so on.
Select a unit of measurement.
Configuration Type
Select a configuration type for the product. Supported values are:
External Key
Enter an external key.
Effective Date
Select the date from which the product is in effect.
Effective date is not required as long as the product is active, but can be used for promotional rules, and more.
Expiration Date
Select the date until which the product is in effect.
Turn this setting on to enable the user to configure a product to add options or attributes or both. TheConfigurebutton is the only option available on the Catalog page. When you turn this setting on, you must also turn on eitherHas Options,Has Attributes, or both.
If this setting is turned off, the user can add the product to the cart directly or configure the product with attributes or options, or both.
Has Attributes
Turn this setting on to enable indicate that the product has attributes associated to it. During the quote creation process, the user can enter values for those attributes.
Has Options
Turn this setting on to enable indicate a product as a bundle that has options. You can associate options and option groups to the bundle.
This field is available only for bundle products.
Turn this setting on to make the product active. If this setting is turned off, the product is not displayed on the catalog page.
You can customize the product creation page using CX Studio. For more information, see