Renew one Ramp

Example for Standalone and Bundle option:

During Renewal quote creation, “Auto Renew Term” and “Default Renewal Term” are taken into consideration. Auto Renew Term has the first precedence while Default Renewal Term has the second.

If there is a value at Default Renewal Term, then that is used to calculate the Renewed End date. If there is value at “Auto Renew Term” on any line item, then it is given the 1st preference to calculate the Renewed End date for the respective asset. 

If Renewal Adjustment type=Uplift and Renewal Adjustment amount=10% then Renewal quote must have lines with 10% uplift base price and Net price.

Asset dataSettingsResult
Start date and end date = 1-1-2023 and 12-31-2023, and Selling term =12Default Renewal Term = 7 and Auto Renew Term = blankRenewed Start and End date= 1-1-2024, 7-31-2024, term=7
Start date and end date = 1-1-2023 and 12-31-2023, and Selling term =12Default Renewal Term = 7 and Auto Renew Term = 9Asset start date and end date = 1-1-2024, 9-30-2024, term=9

Example for Ramp lines:

During the Renewal quote creation, “Auto Renew Term” and “Default Renewal Term” are considered when Renew one Ramp is enabled in Global Settings > Asset. Only the last ramp line is renewed and added to the renewal quote. When Renew one Ramp is disabled, all ramp lines are renewed and added to the renewal quote.

Consider the following examples:

Ramp1: 1-1-2023, 12-31-2023

Ramp2: 1-1-2024, 12-31-2024

Ramp3: 1-1-2025, 12-31-2025

Default Renewal Term = 7, Renew one Ramp is enabled, and Auto Renew Term = blank1-1-2026, 7-31-2026, term=7
Default Renewal Term = 7, Renew one Ramp is enabled, and Auto Renew Term = 111-1-2026, 11-30-2026, term=11
Default Renewal Term = 7, Renew one Ramp is disabled, and Auto Renew Term = 11

Ramp1: 1-1-2026, 12-31-2026, Ramp2: 1-1-2027, 12-31-2027, and Ramp3: 1-1-2028, 12-31-2028 all are renewed.

Note: As Renew one Ramp is disabled, Auto Renew Term and Default Renewal Term are ignored, ad all the ramp lines are renewed by its own term, which is 12 in this example. 

Renewal Execution Mode

Support for sync of renewal quote, when assets are updated, is added. The Renewal Execution Mode must be either Auto or OnDemand.

The following scenarios are supported:

  • Change in Quantity: If there is any change in the quantity of an asset that belongs to a renewal quote, that change is synced to the renewal quote. Incremented and Merged, new quantity, and new date are reflected on the existing Renewal quote. Any manual renewal on assets that are part of renewal quotes is synced to the renewal quote. The renewal date on the existing renewal quote is updated with the new date.
  • Changed Configuration lines: Changed Configuration lines with new date are synced to the existing renewal quote and the renewal date is updated accordingly. Upgraded lines create a new renewal quote.
  • New charge type criteria: Any new line added to an asset with ChargeType criteria the same is synced with the existing renewal quote.
  • Auto Renew Flag: When Auto Renew=FALSE for any asset during change operation then a new renewal quote (without Auto) is created for the asset, and the same asset is removed from the Existing renewal quote with “Auto”. The line item from the existing Renewal quote is also removed when “auto renew” flag is flipped.
  • Add/Remove options: Newly added option to a bundle is synced and added to the bundle in the existing renewal quote. Similarly, when cancelled or deselected options are removed from the bundle the same is synced in the existing renewal quote.
  • Cancelled lines: Post Swap, Termination, Change:Configuration, if cancelled lines are part of any renewal quote, then those cancelled assets are removed from the existing Renewal quote.

Renewal Group Fields

Renewal Quotes are created with renewed line items based on grouping fields provided in Renewal Group Fields in Global Settings. The default Renewal Group Field is “AutoRenew” and “Pricelist”. The following are some important points:

  1. Renewal Group Field work with AND condition.
  2. AutoRenew flag is to be considered from the primary line of the product.
  3. If the AutoRenew flag is TRUE on the primary line of the bundle then it is true for the entire structure of options and sub-bundles.

This is valid for Standalone products, Bundle-option products up to sub-bundle level 3, ramp and usage products. All with single and multiple charge types.


There are four different products in a cart. The AutoRenew checkbox is selected for two products whereas it is not selected for the remaining two products. The result is that two renewal quotes are generated: one for products for which AutoRenew checkbox was selected and another for products for which the checkbox was not selected.

Renew type

When Renew type (Evergreen, Fixed, or Do not Renew) changes then a new renewal quote is created or the line item is removed from the existing renewal quote based on the update.

For example, if the initial value is Renew Type=Fixed, then the line remains part of Renewal Quote 1. If changed to Evergreen or Do Not Renew, then the line is removed from Renewal Quote 1. 

If the initial value was Renew Type=Evergreen/Do Not Renew, then the line is not part of Renewal Quote 1. If changed to Fixed, then a new Renewal quote 2 is created for this line.

Renewal quote update

For any changes that require an update in the Renewal quote, the Renewal quote must meet the following conditions:

  • The renewal quote is IN Open status. It should not be in the accepted stage. 
  • Corresponding Renew Group is Not IN error status.
  • The corresponding asset is IN Active status. Should not be inactive or in suspend or pending activation or pending suspension or pending cancellation or pending resume status.