To create a price waterfall ruleset

  1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Pricing Administration > Price Waterfall > Price Waterfall Rulesets. The Price Waterfall Rulesets page is displayed.
  2. Click Create New. The New Price Ruleset pop-up is displayed.
  3. Enter the following details:



    Ruleset NameEnter a mandatory name for the ruleset.
    SequenceEnter a mandatory Sequence in which the system will evaluate multiple rulesets. Typically, you will perform line item adjustments first and then any summary adjustments
    DescriptionEnter a description for the ruleset.
    ActiveTurn this setting on to set the ruleset as active.
    Stop Processing More RulesTurn this setting on to indicate that if the ruleset is satisfied, CPQ does not process any more rules.
    Enable Data Range in Rule EntryTurn this setting on to set the effective date and expiration date on the rule entry.
    Enable CurrencyTurn this setting on to use the currency for the ruleset.

    This field is visible if you turn the Enable Currency setting on.

    Click the dropdown to select the desired currency from the list.

    If the Quote currency differs from the selected currency, the system applies currency conversion to the Waterfall Ruleset.

  4. Click Save. A new waterfall price ruleset is created and you are redirected to the price waterfall ruleset details page.
  5. On the Details tab, you can update the details if required.
  6. Click the Condition & Criteria tab and enter the following details:
  7. Under the Conditions section:
    1. In the Price List field, search and select a price list.
    2. On the Product Family drop-down, select a product family.
    3. On the Product Category drop-down, select a product category.
    4. On the Product Group drop-down, select a product group.
    5. On the Category drop-down, select a category.
    6. On the Charge Type drop-down, select a charge type.
  8. Under the Criteria section, do the following steps to add a ruleset criteria. 
    1. Click Add Criteria. The Charge Type Criteria pop-up is displayed.
    2. On the Line Items tab, enter the following details:
      1. Field: Select a field on the product. You can select custom fields also.
      2. Operator: Select an operator.
      3. Value: Enter a value.
      4. Click Add Criteria to add one more criteria.
      5. Click the remove icon () to remove a criteria.
      6. Click Remove All to remove all criteria.
      7. Turn the Logic button on and enter a value in the Logic field when you add multiple criteria.
      8. Click Save.
    3. On the Product Attributes tab, enter the following details: 
      1. Field: Select a field on the product. You can select custom fields also.
      2. Operator: Select an operator.
      3. Value: Enter a value.
      4. Click Add Criteria to add one more criteria.
      5. Click the remove icon () to remove a criteria.
      6. Click Remove All to remove all criteria
      7. Turn the Logic button on and enter a value in the Logic field when you add multiple criteria.
      8. Click Save.
    4. Click Save on the price ruleset details page.

To delete a price ruleset

  1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Pricing Administration > Price Rulesets. The Price Rulesets page is displayed.
  2. Search for the price ruleset you want to delete.
  3. Click the ellipsis icon () next to the price ruleset name and click Delete. The Delete Price Ruleset pop-up is displayed.
  4. Click Confirm.