1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Application Settings > Global Settings > Pricing.
  2. Enter the following details and click Save.
Global Pricing

Custom Pricing Fields

Enter the custom field API name from the line item object to be displayed on the cart page. To add more than one field name, separate the names by a new line or a comma.

When you makes any changes to these custom fields, CPQ is set to reprice before clicking Review and Finalize.

Hide Dates For One Time Charge

Turn this setting on to hide the dates for price list items of type One Time charge.

Hide Evergreen End Date

Turn this setting on to hide the end date for Evergreen proposals.

Totaling and Sub Totaling

Totaling Group Type

Select the default value for the summary group type picklist. Supported values are

  • Category: When you add a product to the cart from the lowest leaf category where it is associated, the Category Hierarchy column in the Line Items related list is populated with its bread-crumb trail. This is useful to identify the exact category from where the product was added, in case if the product is associated with multiple categories
  • Product
  • Ad Hoc

The default value is Category. For Product-based totaling, the Product Totaling Hierarchy setting is required.

Disable Charge Type Totaling

Turn this setting on to disable the totaling of charge types.

Adhoc/Product Totaling Hierarchy

Select the list of product fields from the drop-down that represent the product totaling hierarchy. Each product field API name must be separated by a new line. This is applicable only when product-based totaling is in effect. 

For Ad-hoc totaling, enter the line item fields that represent a totaling group. If this field is blank, the Bundle Family will be used by default.

Matrix and Ruleset

Auto Refresh Usage Tier

Turn this setting on to enable modifiable usage tiers to automatically re-calculate tier price upon PLI change.

Enable Matrix Pricing For Options

Turn this setting on to enable matrix pricing for options. This may be used to optimize performance when options do not use price matrices in the organization. The default value is false (disabled).

Enable Base Price Rounding

Turn this setting on to enable CPQ to round list price and base price fields in the line item using the currency field precision setting.

Enable Custom Rounding

Turn this setting on to enable rounding of selling term and price in each price calculation step.

  • Rounding of Selling Term: This setting considers the precision of selling term defined in the Term Field Precision setting and rounds the selling term consistently both on the UI and in backend calculation.
  • Rounding of Pricing: This setting rounds the price in each price calculation step considering the precision defined for each currency, both on the UI and in backend calculations. The amount in price calculation steps (for list price, base price, adjusted price, and net price only after each step such as price matrix, price ruleset, line level manual adjustment, group adjustment) is calculated considering the precision of the currency.

Price rounding at backend occurs only for the base price, adjusted price, and net price when this setting is enabled.

Rounding Mode

Select the currency rounding mode in pricing calculations. This setting rounds adjustments before calculating the base price. Supported values are:

  • UP: Rounds the currency to the next number. For example, 21.2 is rounded to 22.
  • DOWN: Rounds the currency to the previous number. For example, 21.8 is rounded to 21.
  • HALF_UP: Rounds the currency to the next number if the decimal is equal to 5. For example, 21.5 is rounded to 22.

  • HALF_DOWN: Rounds the currency to the previous number if the decimal is equal to 5. For example, 21.5 is rounded to 21.

  • HALF_EVEN: Rounds the currency to the nearest even number. For example, 23.5 is rounded to 24 and 22.5 is rounded to 22.

Max Adjustment Lines

Enter the maximum number of adjustment lines allowed for a line item.

Enable Adjustment Spread

Turn this setting on to enable the adjustment on a bundle to spread to its options.

Enable Base Price Adjustment

Turn this setting on to enable unit level price adjustment for the Base Price of the product in the cart.
Advance Pricing

Product Option Price Order

Enter the order of execution of option pricing (with adjustments) in conjunction with the price rule set and matrices. Supported values are:

  • First: CPQ applies the adjustments before the price rulesets and after price matrices.
  • Last: CPQ applies the adjustments after the price rulesets. This is the default value.

Related Price Scope

Enter a value to perform the related pricing calculations over the entire cart or confine the calculations to a bundle product only. For example, if the price of an option product is a percentage of another option product in the same bundle, consider the following scenarios with Related Price Scope = Cart and Bundle:

  • Cart: The pption price is based on the price of all the instances of the related product in the cart, whether it is in the same bundle or a standalone, or in another Bundle.
  • Bundle: The option price is based on the related product instances within the same bundle.

Selling Term Calculation Method

Indicates the method to calculate the selling term for line items on the cart page.

Supported values are:

  • Calendar: The selling term is calculated based on the calendar. This is the default method.
  • Billing Preference: The selling term is calculated based on the billing preferences. You can price transactions based on the term calculated according to the user’s preferred start day instead of it always being the first of the month.
    When the Conga Billing package is installed, you must set the Selling Term Calculation Method setting to Billing Preference. CPQ then calculates the selling term based on the billing preferences.

Enable Price Matrix Audit Trail

Turn this setting on enable CPQ to create audit trail entries when adjustments are applied on the Line Item through Price Matrices. The audit trail entries are created on the Adjustment Line Item object.

Enable Price Rule Audit Trail

Turn this setting on enable CPQ to create audit trail entries when promotions are applied on the Line Item through Price Rules. The audit trails entries are created on the Adjustment Line Item object.