To access the Installed Products Page, you must create a new quote. When you configure products, the system creates a new cart with an Account ID attached to it.

Add a few products to the new quote and finalize the cart and accept the quote. Make sure that the quote status has changed to Accepted. After you click the Installed Products button, the Installed Products page displays all the asset line item records from the account information linked to the current cart.

To configure direct navigation to the Installed Products page from the Quote/Proposal page

  1. Click Setup > Create > Objects.
  2. Select the Quote/Proposal object and from the Custom Fields & Relationships related list, select Configure Products with the Installed Package of Conga Quote/Proposal-Asset Integration.

  3. Click Edit and replace the query string with the following parameters.

    For the classic CPQ,

    IF ( LEN( Apttus_QPConfig__PriceListId__c ) > 0 , HYPERLINK("/apex/Apttus_QPAsset__ProposalConfiguration?id=" &Id, IMAGE("/resource/Apttus_QPConfig__Button_Configure", "Configure Products"),"_self"), NULL)

    For the new UI,

    IF ( LEN( Apttus_QPConfig__PriceListId__c) > 0 , HYPERLINK("/apex/Apttus_QPConfig__ProposalConfiguration?id="&Id+"&flow=ngflow&launchState=assets",
    IMAGE("/resource/Button_Configure", "Configure Products"),"_self"), NULL)
  4. Click Save.

On the Quote/Proposal page when you click the Configure Products button, the Installed Products page appears instead of the Catalog page.

To access the Installed Products page directly from the Account page

  1. Go to Setup > Create > Objects.
  2. Select the Account object and from the Custom Fields & Relationships related list, create a new custom formula field.

  3. In the Advance Formula editor, enter the query string with the following parameters.

    HYPERLINK("/apex/Apttus_Config2__AccountOrderCreate?id=" & Id & "&method=csrFlow&priceListId=<pricelistid>&flow=csrFlow&launchState=assets& activateOrder=true&retId=" & Id , IMAGE("", "Asset Manager"),"_self")

    In the above formula, replace <pricelistid> with the ID of your desired Price List. For the flow parameter, specify the name of the Flow that you have defined in the Flow Settings.

  4. Click Save.
    This button creates an order specific to a Price List and Account ID. You may have to create different asset manager buttons for different accounts.