Configuring Service Products
The Service Configuration page works similar to Product Configuration page. For more information, see Configuring Products from the Catalog. After you navigate from the Service Catalog to the Service Config page, you can perform the following actions:
- Click the Selected Assets link to view the assets and their corresponding details. The Selected Assets pop-up displays the assets that you selected on the Installed Products page.
- Configure attributes for your service from the Product Attributes tab if attributes are associated to your service product.
- Select and configure options for your bundle service from the Product Options tab if options are associated to your service product.
- Click the icon next to the selected option. The Manage <Service_Option_Name> page with the assets you selected on the Installed Products page is displayed.
Select required options of the asset bundle to which you want to associate the service option and click Save. You are navigated back to the Config page.
After you select a service option, the icon appears after the pricing is complete. This Manage <Service_Option_Name> page helps you to see which assets are related to the service option.
- If you selected a standalone asset on the Installed Products page, only that asset is displayed on the Manage <Service_Option_Name> page. If you clear the selected asset, CPQ displays an error message. Click Cancel to close the page because you cannot perform any other action.
- If you selected more standalone assets on the Installed Products page, those assets are displayed on the Manage <Service_Option_Name> page. Clear some selected assets to which you do not want to associate the service option and click Save.
- If you selected a bundle asset on the Installed Products page, the asset bundle and all options of the bundle asset are displayed on the Manage <Service_Option_Name> page. Select required options of the asset bundle to which you want to associate the service option and click Save.
- If you selected some options of the bundle asset on the Installed Products page (Relate Component scenario), only those selected options are displayed on the Manage <Service_Option_Name> page. Clear some selected options of the asset bundle to which you do not want to associate the service option and click Save.
Click the icon next to the selected option under Itemized Options to view the assets and their corresponding details. The Selected Assets pop-up displays the assets that you selected on the Installed Products page.
Click Go to Pricing. CPQ calculates the price of products on the Config page and navigates you to the Service Cart page. For more information, see Working with the Service Cart.
If your administrator has enabled the Bypass Shopping Cart setting, the Go to Pricing button is hidden on the Config page. However, you can still finalize the quote using the Mini-Cart.