This section describes the various related lists enabled after the draft proposal record is created.

ActionsLists the various actions you can execute for this stage of the quoting process. A list of actions with the description of their function is available in Proposal Actions.
Line ItemsContains the detailed line items (bundles, options, and standalone) of a finalized configuration. This corresponds to the Detail tab in configuration.
SummaryContains the summary view (standalone and bundles) of a finalized configuration. This corresponds to the Summary tab in configuration.
Summary GroupsContains the totals for the finalized configuration according to the product hierarchy including a Grand Total.
Notes & AttachmentsEnables you to attach any reference document or file relevant to a quote/proposal. The proposal document when generated from the template is stored by the application in this section.
Open ActivitiesEnables you to create and assign new task corresponding to a quote.
Approval HistoryInitiate and track approvals corresponding to the quote.
Note: Approvals can be initiated only if the corresponding approval processes have been set up by the System Administrator.
Activity HistoryLists an Audit history of significant changes during the life of the quote.