In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, fixed issues, and known issues for the CPQ June23.10.06 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in CPQ Documentation.

This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license; therefore your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Account Executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.


The following packages and dependencies are required to upgrade to this release and use its new features. These are the minimum required versions; later versions are also supported. Prerequisites for each feature can be found in its documentation. Packages marked (New) are new for this release.

These release notes reflect the change in version number of the packages marked as (New). Only internal defects were resolved in this release.

You can register your org for the Conga Upgrade Program. Conga Upgrade Program is an automated tool that upgrades packages available in your Salesforce org (Production or Sandbox) to the latest versions. In addition, it also ensures all the Conga published managed packages are on the latest versions for your registered orgs. For more information, see Registering for Conga Upgrade Program.


Latest Certified Version Name

Latest Certified Version Number
Conga Approvals (New)
(Required if you are using Approvals)



Conga Base Library 

(Required if you are using Conga Configuration & Pricing)



Conga Billing

(Required if you are using Conga Billing)

Conga CLM Configuration Integration (New)
(Required if you are using CLM)
Conga Configuration & Pricing (New)


Conga Contract Lifecycle Management (New)14.1.709.314.709.3
Conga CPQ Api (New)


Conga CPQ Approvals
(Required if you are using Approvals on CPQ objects)
Conga CPQ Maximizer8.0.00298.29
Conga CPQ Setup
(Required if you are using CPQ Admin Console)
Conga Deal Maximizer Setup
(Required if you are using Deal Maximizer)
Conga Deal Maximizer7.0.00077.7
Conga DocuSign Api8.1.1428.142.7
Conga Order Management1.0.00001.0
Conga Promotions
(Required if you are using Promotions)
Conga Quote Approvals7.1.107.10
Conga Quote Asset Integration6.5.00156.15

Conga Quote CLM Integration 

Conga Quote Configuration Integration (New)
(Required if you are using CPQ and Proposal Management)


Conga Quote DocuSign Integration4.1.234.23

Conga Quote Echosign Integration

(You must install the latest Adobe Sign package to use this package)

Conga Quote Management
(Required if you are using Proposal Management)


For more information on installing Conga managed packages, refer to Installing CPQ Packages. For more information on upgrading Conga managed packages, refer to Upgrading CPQ.

Salesforce is starting the process of moving away from Workflow Rules and transitioning to Flow. Hence, Conga recommends that you temporarily migrate all Conga Managed workflows in CPQ to Flows. For more information, see Migrating a Workflow Rule to Flow.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms 

For information pertaining to the requirements and recommendations you must consider before you proceed with the installation of the Conga product, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

Upgrade Notes

For more information on the prerequisites and post-upgrade tasks, see Upgrading CPQ.

Before you upgrade the CPQ packages in your org to June '23 release, please note the following points:

  • If the CPQ package in your org is on any of the following releases, you must upgrade it to the Winter '20 patch (Winter20.02.26) before upgrading it to June '23 release:


    Spring '20 or earlier release

    Packages older than 12.0.1719 | 12.1719

    Summer '20 patch older than Summer20.02.26

    Packages older than 12.1.1787.99 | 12.1787.99

    Winter '20 patch older than Winter20.02.26

    Packages older than 12.2.1839.48 | 12.1839.48
  • If the CPQ package in your org is on any of the following releases, you can directly upgrade it to June '23 release:


    Latest Summer '20 patch (Summer20.02.26 or later)

    12.0.1719 | 12.1719 or later

    Latest Winter '20 patch (Winter20.02.26 or later)

    12.2.1839.48 | 12.1839.48 or later

    Spring '21 and any Spring '21 patches

    13.0.1882 | 13.1882 or later
    Summer '21 and any Summer '21 patches13.1.1921 | 13.1921 or later
    December '21 and any December '21 patches13.2.1969 | 13.1969 or later
    May '22 and any May '22 patches 14.0.1995 | 14.1995 or later
    September '22 and any September '22 patches14.1.2038 | 14.2038 or later
    February '23 and any February '23 patches

    15.0.2061 | 15.2061 or later

    June '23 and any June '23 patches

    15.1.2090 | 15.2090 or later

New Features 

There are no new features in this release. Keep checking the Conga Documentation Portal for new updates.


The following enhancements are new to CPQ in this release.

Improved Bundle Configuration Validation

When configuring a bundle, an error message will be displayed at the top of the page if the Min/Max Options criteria for any Option Group are not satisfied.

The error message specifies the name of the Option Group with unsatisfied criteria, providing clear guidance for configuration.

Data Model Changes

There are no data model changes in this release.

Fixed Issues

The following table lists the issues fixed in this release. If any actions are required, they will be listed in this table.

Case Number

Conga Internal ID




Users can remove the constraint message numbers. This will improve user experience for customers who have found the message numbers to be confusing, making messages seem like a checklist.



When a Payment Term is set on a Quote/Proposal or Order, it is inherited by the Product Configuration but not by its Line Items. This results in Payment Terms not being carried over through the invoicing process, leading to Invoices with a due date as soon as the next day instead of the desired 30 days. 



When setting custom ramp dates for option products, changing the duration of each ramp separately does not synchronize the dates correctly, leading to inconsistent price calculations that remain unchanged even after repricing. 



Customers are unable to download document files larger than 1MB from the collaboration's Note & Attachment page. When configuring a product and sharing it for collaboration, users upload a PDF file, but collaborators cannot download or preview the file from the Note and Attachment Related List.
For more information, see Assigning the Configuration to the Collaborator or Queue.



The Buy X Get Y promotion is affecting the wrong bundle. In this case, the customer set up the promotion with a Bundle Product in the scope and an option Product in the benefit, but when they apply the promotion to the second sequence bundle, the discount is incorrectly applied to the first bundle's option instead of the intended one.



When the customer configures a service that meets certain conditions, the auto-inclusion works correctly. However, when they remove the auto-included option, the rule reevaluates and adds the removed product again.



The dates for 'Options' are not synchronizing with the Bundle dates when they're changed in the cart. Even when customers try to adjust start and end dates in the cart, the dates for 'Options' don't update accordingly. After repricing, the dates revert back to their original values.



During an ABO Change operation, the net price is being calculated incorrectly by including the Parent Quantity of the second-level bundle, suggesting that pricing is considering a per-unit price instead of the flat price.



During a Renew operation with a Price Override adjustment on an option line item, if the item is deselected and repriced, the net amount stays as adjusted. However, subsequent repricing alternates between 0 and the adjusted amount, causing a loop.



When a user creates a filter logic and places it in lookup filter system properties, and then changes a dependent field on the product configuration page, the expected filter logic does not run as intended.



In the turbo pricing flow, CPQ does not remove the product that is added through the constraint rule even though the condition is not satisfied.

Known Issues

The following table provides the cumulative list of known issues up to this release.

Conga Internal IDDescription
CPQ-54022Turbo Integrations: Attribute-based pricing is not working for Numeric Expression.