Price Dimensions are an important concept in order to link any field within Salesforce into the pricing tables. Any field that will determine a pricing adjustment such as Quantity, Term, and more, needs a dimension created for it.

To create a price dimensionLink to To create a price dimension

  1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab. The new admin console is launched.
  2. On the Pricing menu, click Manage Price Dimensions. A list of existing price dimensions is displayed.
  3. Click New Price Dimension.
  4. In the Name field, enter a mandatory name for the dimension.
  5. From the Context Type drop-down, select a context type.

    CPQ supports the out-of-the-box context types described in the following table. You can manage these context types at Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects > Price Dimension (object) > Context Type (custom field) > Values section.

    For a context type where the Cumulative Dimension field is applicable, you must use this field for cumulative range. Therefore, on the Cumulative Dimension drop-down, select Quantity only because the cumulative range is supported only for quantity.

    Context Type
    Line ItemAllows you to choose any field on the line item shopping cart. For example: Quantity, Term, and more. When you select this context type, the following fields are enabled.
    • Business Object. This field is populated by default based on the Context Type selection. You cannot modify it.
    • Field: Select a line item field.
    • Relation Type: Select a relation type between the context type and the line item field.
    • Cumulative Dimension: Cumulative Dimension is applicable for Asset operations such as increment quantity. If you want to use a value from another dimension with the current dimension and use the resultant value as the final value, select a Dimension Name from the drop-down. The value from another dimension will be added to the value of the current dimension during evaluation.
      For example, you are creating a dimension on quantity and want to add the value of existing asset quantity to get the total quantity (Asset Quantity + Current Quantity) value, which will be the value evaluated when your current dimension is evaluated.
    Product AttributeAllows you to choose any product attribute that has been associated to a product through an attribute group. From Attribute, click to select an attribute group. When you select this context type, the following fields are enabled.
    • Business Object. This field is populated by default based on the Context Type selection. You cannot modify it.
    • Attribute Group: Search and select an attribute group.
    • Attribute: Select an attribute in the attribute group selected above.
    • Cumulative Dimension: Cumulative Dimension is applicable for Asset operations such as increment quantity. If you want to use a value from another dimension with the current dimension and use the resultant value as the final value, select a Dimension Name from the drop-down. The value from another dimension will be added to the value of the current dimension during evaluation.
      For example, you are creating a dimension on quantity and want to add the value of existing asset quantity to get the total quantity (Asset Quantity + Current Quantity) value, which will be the value evaluated when your current dimension is evaluated.
    Allows you to define a custom syntax for CPQ to retrieve the value of a field. It is most commonly used to retrieve Quote or Agreement Header fields.

    This is always from the context of the Line Item, so the format for the fields must be:

    For Quote Header fields:

    Apttus_Config2__ConfigurationId__r.Apttus_QPConfig__Proposald__r.INSERTYO URFIELDAPINAMEHERE


    For Agreement Header field:

    Apttus_Config2__ConfigurationId r.Apttus_CMConfig__AgreementId__r.INSERTYOURFIELDAPINAMEHERE

    The field must be the fields API name and not the field label or name.

    When you select this context type, the following fields are enabled.

    • Business Object. This field is populated by default based on the Context Type selection. You cannot modify it.
    • Business Formula: Define a formula field.
    • Cumulative Dimension: Cumulative Dimension is applicable for Asset operations such as increment quantity. If you want to use a value from another dimension with the current dimension and use the resultant value as the final value, select a Dimension Name from the drop-down. The value from another dimension will be added to the value of the current dimension during evaluation.
      For example, you are creating a dimension on quantity and want to add the value of existing asset quantity to get the total quantity (Asset Quantity + Current Quantity) value, which will be the value evaluated when your current dimension is evaluated. 
    Formula Field

    Allows you to create a formula field containing the syntax based on the custom syntax (refer to the context type Custom). You can define a syntax once and can reuse it across multiple price dimensions.

    There may be scenarios where pricing varies based on Customer Priority status. For example, a customer can have three statuses Gold, Silver, and Platinum. You can define a pricing dimension based on the status of the customer. The Customer Priority field is a custom field you define in the opportunity. You can create a formula field on the Apttus_Config2__LineItem__c object referencing the Customer Priority field. You can later define a pricing dimension for the same formula field and use it within the rulesets to define different pricing tiers for each customer priority.

    Even though the same Customer Priority field is available in the Line Item context type as well, in scenarios where you have a large number of line items defined with different data types, searching and setting specific values for the context type can be cumbersome.  Searching and setting a formula field context type within Apttus_Config2__LineItem__c filters only the fields having formula as a datatype.

    When you select this context type, the following fields are enabled.

    • Business Object. This field is populated by default based on the Context Type selection. You cannot modify it.
    • Formula Field: Select a predefined formula field.
    • Cumulative Dimension: Cumulative Dimension is applicable for Asset operations such as increment quantity. If you want to use a value from another dimension with the current dimension and use the resultant value as the final value, select a Dimension Name from the drop-down. The value from another dimension will be added to the value of the current dimension during evaluation.
      For example, you are creating a dimension on quantity and want to add the value of existing asset quantity to get the total quantity (Asset Quantity + Current Quantity) value, which will be the value evaluated when your current dimension is evaluated.
    Asset Line Item

    Applicable for Service CPQ.

    Allows you to choose any field on the asset line item. When you select this context type, the following fields are enabled.

    • Business Object. This field is populated by default based on the Context Type selection. You cannot modify it.
    • Field: Select an asset line item field.
    • Cumulative Dimension: Cumulative Dimension is applicable for Asset operations such as increment quantity. If you want to use a value from another dimension with the current dimension and use the resultant value as the final value, select a Dimension Name from the drop-down. The value from another dimension will be added to the value of the current dimension during evaluation.
      For example, you are creating a dimension on quantity and want to add the value of existing asset quantity to get the total quantity (Asset Quantity + Current Quantity) value, which will be the value evaluated when your current dimension is evaluated. 

    For Service CPQ, you must manually add the following values for using a price dimension:

    • Object: Price Dimension (Apttus_Config2__PriceDimension__c)
    • Picklist Field: Context Type (Apttus_Config2__ContextType__c)
    • Value: Asset Line Item
    Asset Attribute

    Applicable for Service CPQ.

    Allows you to choose any asset attribute that has been associated to an asset. When you select this context type, the following fields are enabled.

    • Business Object. This field is populated by default based on the Context Type selection. You cannot modify it.
    • Attribute: Select an asset attribute.

    For Service CPQ, you must manually add the following values for using a price dimension:

    • Object: Price Dimension (Apttus_Config2__PriceDimension__c)
    • Picklist Field: Context Type (Apttus_Config2__ContextType__c)
    • Value: Asset Attribute
  6. From the Type drop-down, select one of the following types of price dimensions:

    The field Type is related to promotions. Based on the selected value, CPQ creates a dimension type for promotion. For example, you can create a quantity-based dimension by selecting Quantity from the Type drop-down. For more information, see Creating Price Dimensions for a Promotion.

    To set up values for the Type field, go to Setup > Create > Objects > Price Dimension (Apttus_Config2__PriceDimension__c) > Type (Apttus_Config2__Type__c) field.

    AmountSelect this if the price dimension is based on purchase amount.

    Applicable for Service CPQ.

    Select this value if the price dimension is for Service CPQ.

    QuantitySelect this if the price dimension is based on quantity.
    StandardSelect this for a standard price dimension.
    TermSelect this if the price dimension is based on term.
  7. In the Description field, enter a description for the price dimension.
  8. Click Save.