An account with assets has the Asset Manager button. Refer the configuration part and ensure that the Asset Manager button is configured correctly in your org.

If you perform asset renewal through the Asset Manager flow, the Use the Proposal End Date option is not displayed on the Confirm Renewal intermediate page.

To view the installed products or assets for an account

  1. Click Asset Manager


  2. Verify the Price List ID in the URL. Click Continue.


  3. On the Installed Products page, select the assets that you want to manage.


    If your administrators have disabled an asset action, the button is grayed out for that asset. For example, from the image above, if your administrator has not defined Renew as an allowed action for Advanced Analytics, the Renew button is grayed out and you cannot renew that asset for this customer. Also, if you select two or more assets from the list of installed products, the Swap button is automatically disabled.


You can Renew, Terminate, Swap, and Change an existing standalone, fixed, or a configurable bundle asset.