To Associate Products to Product Group

You must have an existing product group.

  1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab. The new admin console is launched.
  2. On the Products menu, click Manage Product Groups. Details of the first Product Group is displayed by default.

  3. Search and click the product group to open the product group details page.
  4. Click Associated Products.
  5. Drag and drop all the products you want to add in the Product Group from the All Product list. You can search for the products using the search bar.
  6. Click Save.

All the products added to the product group are displayed.

To Associate Products to Product Group Within a Product

You must have an existing product group.

  1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab. The new admin console is launched.
  2. On the Products menu, click Manage Product.

  3. Search and click the product to open the product details page.
  4. Click Associations. Click the Product Group icon().  Product Group pane is displayed.
  5. Drag and drop the desired product groups from the Product Group pane. You can search for the product groups using the search bar.
  6. Click Save.

The product is now associated to the product group. 

You can view all the products that you associated with the product group listed in the center pane under the Associated Products tab on the Manage Product Groups page.  Select a product from the list on the left-hand side pane and the list of associated products is displayed in the center. You can also search for a product from the list of associated products using the search box at the top of the center pane.