Related pricing is used when you want to derive the price of a Line Item depending on the price of another Line Item. The Line Item can be of a Standalone, Option or Bundle product. For example, if the maintenance fee of an Option product is 10% of the over all maintenance fee of the main Bundle product, you must create two separate Price List Items for both the products. The Price List Item of the Option product should contain the related pricing fields populated with the values from the Bundle product.

You must perform the necessary configurations at the Price List Item to enable related pricing.

Adding related pricing information on a Price List Item

You must have existing price list item.

  1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab. The new admin console is launched.
  2. On the Pricing menu, click Manage Price Lists.
  3. Select an existing price list item, click the more icon (), and click Advanced.
  4. Click the DETAILS tab. The different fields used for related pricing, such as Related Adjustment Amount and Related Adjustment Type are displayed.
  5. Enter the following details and click Save.

    Related Adjustment Amount

    Indicates the adjustment amount that you want to apply on the related product. In our example, the value should be 10.

    In this field you enter the adjustment amount directly. Use this field if you are not using the Related Adjustment Amount Source field.

    Related Adjustment TypeIndicates the type of adjustment that you want to apply on the related product. Available values are: %Discount, %Markup, Discount Amount, Markup Amount, Percentage, Price Factor, and Price Override. In our example, choose Percentage.
    Related Adjustment Applies ToIndicates on which price the adjustments for the related price should be applied. Available values are: Base Extended Price, Base Price, Extended Price, List Price, Net Price, and Net Unit Price. In our example, choose Base Price.
    Related Adjustment Amount Source

    Indicates the adjustment amount source that you want to apply on the related product.  

    Use this column if you are not using the Related Adjustment Amount column. In this column, you can select an adjustment amount that will be fetched from CPQ formula fields created on the required business objects and fields. CPQ fetches the adjustment value from those fields instead of fetching the adjustment amount directly from the Related Adjustment Amount column. However, you must select such formula fields that return only numeric values. CPQ applies the adjustment on the list price to derive the base price.

    In our example, if the formula returns 10, CPQ applies 10% discount to the base price of the related product.

Creating a record in Related Price List Item related list

When you select Price Method as Related Price, the Related Pricing section appears at the bottom of the screen to add the Related Price List Item value. 

To create a record in related pricing, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the number of rows add, and click Add Row button.
  2. If you selected Related Price in the Price Method field, select one of Base Extended PriceBase PriceExtended PriceList PriceNet Price, or Net Unit Price for Related Adjustments Amount Applies To to indicate which prices shall be adjusted by the related price.
  3. Enter the following details:



    Relation To

    Define the entity the related adjustment applies to. Select one of: 

    • Custom: Show entities based on user-defined criteria
    • Price List Item: Show all PLIs for returned price lists with both Product Name and Charge Type values.
    • ProductShow all products in the Related Item.
    • Product Family: Show all product families in the Related Item.
    • Product Group: Show all product groups in the Related Item.
    Related ItemSelect the related item to associate it to the related price.

    Charge Type

    Select the charge type for the related price. (If the Relation To value is Price List Item, this field is predefined and non-editable.) 
    Adjustment AmountEnter the adjustment amount.
    Adjustment TypeSelect the adjustment type.
    Related Custom GroupYou can add a value to this field only if you selected Relation To as Custom field.

    Click the action icon () to add new row or delete the existing.

  4. Click Save.

To configure the context for Related Pricing

You can set the related pricing context for Line Items using the custom setting, Related Price Scope, available at Setup > Build > Develop > Custom Settings > Config System Properties > Manage. This setting enables you to choose if you want to perform the related pricing calculations over the entire Cart or confine the calculations to a Bundle product only. For example, if the price of an Option product is a percentage of another Option product in the same bundle, consider the following scenarios with Related Price Scope = Cart and Bundle:

  • Related Price Scope = Cart, the Option price is based on the price of all the instances of the related product in the Cart, whether it is in the same Bundle or a Standalone or in an another Bundle.
  • Related Price Scope = Bundle, the Option price is based on the related product instances within the same Bundle. You must also ensure that the Option products are a part of that bundle.