Create the Configure Products button to initiate the quote-to-cash process in the RLS flow. 

To create a Configure Products button

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager and search for the Quote/Proposal object.
  2. Click Quote/Proposal. A quote details page is displayed.
  3. In the left menu, click Custom Fields & Relationships  and then click New. The New Custom Field page is displayed.
  4. In the Step 1. Choose the field type page choose Formula as Data Type and click Next.
  5. In the Step 2. Choose the output type page, enter the flow name as required. For example, Configure Products(RLS Flow) in the Field Label. For Formula Return Type, choose Text.
  6. In the Step 3. Enter the formula page, copy the following formula and paste it under the Simple Formula tab. Click Check Syntax to validate the formula. 

    IF ( LEN( Apttus_QPConfig__PriceListId__c ) > 0 , HYPERLINK("/apex/Conga_CCPQ__RLPCart?boid="&Id& "&flow=system&idp=Salesforce", IMAGE("/resource/Apttus_QPConfig__Button_Configure", "Configure Products"),"_self"), NULL)
    • Enter the name of your flow setting in the"flow" parameter in the above formula. In our example, it is "system".
    • Update the "idp" parameter in the formula based on the org type. Use "Salesforce" for production orgs and "SalesforceSandbox" for sandbox orgs.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Step 4. Establish field-level security page, Select the profiles to which you want to grant edit access to this field via field-level security and click Next.
  9. Choose the page layouts on which you want to display this field and click Save.

Next Step: Enabling OAuth Settings