Views are a very powerful, and easy way to create a virtual file cabinet of your proposals. You can create views based on dates, values, products, any data field, or combination of fields and also have specific fields displayed. Views are a customized way to display the exact information you are looking for.

To create views

  1. From the Salesforce drop-down menu, select Apttus Proposal Management and go to the Proposals tab.
  2. Click the Create New View link.
  3. In the Enter View Name section, enter a mandatory View Name and a View Unique Name.
  4. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, specify the filter options to narrow down to your preferred view for proposals. For example, you can choose to view only those proposals for a specific Account.
  5. In the Select Fields to Display section, from Available Fields, select one or more options and click the icon to move to Selected Fields.
  6. In the Restrict Visibility section, select one of the following:
    • Visible only to me
    • Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users)
    • Visible to certain groups of users
  7. To save the view, click Save.