Admin Settings are system properties that have different values and you can use them for different purposes. You must configure admin settings to meet the business objectives of your implementation along with Custom Settings.

 To create admin settings

  1. Click and click Admin. All the standard Admin Settings are displayed on the Admin home page. Based on your organization's requirements, you can add or create new Admin settings.
  2. To create a new Admin Setting, click New.
  3. Enter Name, Value, and Code for the Admin Setting and click Save. Your new Admin Setting is saved and added.

Admin Settings in CPQ

The following content provides information about various admin settings available in CPQ along with their values and purposes.


During Criteria Maintenance, this setting ensures optimal performance by managing expression fields, preventing Apex heap size limits from being exceeded.




Enter a number.

CodeLeave the field blank


You can use this admin setting to manage the sorting order of asset records in the installed products page. The records are displayed in descending order by default. This allows sorting based on specified fields in the apex class, enabling better visibility and organization of bundled assets.
If we take a use case:  There are equipment line items converted into Asset Line item records. These assets are then listed on the installed products page and further used for quoting service products. Frequently, Equipment bundles also have sometimes child bundles, and if a parent bundle has a child bundle configured inside it, then we have to show the parent bundle asset and child bundle asset separately. In this case, sorting can be done based on the asset name.
This sample code shows the sorting based on the quantity.

If you enable this setting, CPQ disables regular sorting on the installed products page column headers.


Custom class name: customABOcallback


Leave the field blank


You can use this admin setting to manage the alignment between option and bundle start dates. Set it to TRUE for preserving bundle start dates and delinking them from option start dates.

  • True
  • False
Default ValueFalse
CodeLeave the field blank.


Use this admin setting to save the cart when the sales representative navigates to the proposal summary page using a View link. When the APTS_EnableDirtySaveOnExit admin setting is set to True, it enables CPQ to automatically save the cart, including all configurations, when a sales representative navigates to the proposal summary page by clicking the 'View' link in the menu under the proposal name on the Catalog page.

Enabling APTS_EnableDirtySaveOnExit with a value of True will override the behaviour of the APTS_OpenLinkInNewTab setting when it is also set to True.



  • True
  • False
Default ValueFalse
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this admin setting to control the display of quotes with a click of the View button. When this admin setting is True, if the sales representative clicks the View button (in the menu under the proposal name) on the Catalog page, CPQ displays the quote on a new tab.

  • True
  • False
Default ValueFalse
CodeLeave the field blank


You can use this setting to determine where the cart actions are to be performed.

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank
  • If APTS_OpenNewTabOnCartAction = True, the system will open cart actions in a new tab for Sales Console App.
  • if APTS_OpenNewTabOnCartAction = False or not defined, the system continues to open cart actions in the same tab for the sales console app.
  • This Admin entry does not have any impact on the cart from the proposal mgmt app or normal flow.


You can use this setting to hide or show the numbering next to the constraint rule messages on CPQ UI.



  • True : CPQ removes numbering to the CR messages and warnings.
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Enable Submit Merge Call in Proposal System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_AsyncMergeCall. For more information, see Proposal System Properties.


You can use this setting to send a notification email to the Sales rep initiating the asynchronous document generation after generation is complete. 

Conga recommends to enable both APTS_AsyncMergeCall and APTS_AsyncMergeEmail.

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to determine the number of line items to be updated in each updateCartlineitem call.

ValueEnter a number.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to determine the maximum number of constraint rules to be fetched.

ValueEnter a number. If you do not enter a number, CPQ fetches 1000 constraint rules by default.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to control lines items sent in the custom revalidation request object.


Enter a number.

  • If the value is less than the number of revalidation lines, the admin setting sends the whole lineItemSOs in the lineItemSOsByRevalCategory map.
  • If the value is more than the number of revalidation lines, the admin setting sends only lineItemsIds in the lineItemIdsByRevalCategory map to control the head size. In this case, lineItemSOsByRevalCategory is empty and you must query lineItems into the revalidation callback with required fields.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to define the default email contact name.

ValueEnter a value to define the default email contact name.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to disable the generation of activity history product configuration. When enabled, CPQ does not add entries to the Activity History related list, when you create, finalize, or reconfigure a product configuration.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use the Admin Setting APTS_DisableCartAsyncNotification to turn off the email notifications you receive after completion of any async operation such as cart finalization and pricing in every type of quote or agreement. In the Split quote or agreement, the notification for cart splitting is also disabled along with finalization and pricing. If you enabled the Progress Tracker on the quote or agreement page to monitor the progress of all the async operations, email notifications are redundant, and you can use this feature to avoid them.



CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to, when the value is set to True, enable attributes or options. Enabling this setting does not make attributes or options unavailable.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to disable the execution of server-side constraint rules to optimize performance upon cart finalization.

This feature is not supported with the Replacement type Constraint Rule.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to disable CPQ from applying the cumulative range matrix on multiple line items of the same product.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Create Renewal Opportunity in Installed Product Settings instead of the admin setting APTS_DisableOpptyForRenewalAgreement. For more information, see Installed Products Settings.


You must use the custom setting Create Renewal Opportunity in Installed Product Settings instead of the admin setting APTS_DisableOpptyForRenewalQuote. For more information, see Installed Products Settings.


You can disable the time zone adjustment on the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields in the Price List Item. By default, the time on the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields is adjusted based on the Time Zone of the Locale in the org. If you disable the adjustment, CPQ does not change the time you manually configured in the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields. Refer to Adding Additional Details to a Price List Item for information about the Price List Item fields.


The following are the valid values:

  • true: disables time zone adjustment.
  • false: enables time zone adjustment.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to optimize the system behavior while using custom logic in the methods invoked in the Roll Down mode.


The following are the valid values:

  • True: the method in Rolldown mode is invoked when the Sales rep clicks Go To Pricing or Reprice after changing the quantity or applying summary level discount.
  • False: the method in Rolldown mode is only invoked when the Sales rep clicks Reprice after applying summary level discount.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Disable SOSL Text Search in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_DisableSOSLTextSearch. For more information, see Config System Properties.


You can use this setting to reset all attribute selections on the Attribute Page. This allows you to test changes and easily revert to the original settings.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
Default Value


CodeLeave the field blank.


Use this admin setting to display a spinner on the Service Catalog upon the click of the Add to Cart or Update buttons. When this admin setting is set to true, CPQ displays the spinner to ensure that the creation of related line items is completed for service products before you navigate away to a different page or click another button.

When this admin setting is set to false, if you quickly navigate away from the Service Catalog after clicking Add to Cart, CPQ does not create related line items for service products.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


The performance team uses this admin setting only for testing.


You can use this setting to enable collaboration for auto-included standalone or bundle products. If you initiate a collaboration request for the parent product, CPQ automatically adds auto-included products as part of the collaboration request (except Prompt). You can also create a collaboration request for auto-included products independent of the parent product.

This admin setting is supported only for Peer-To-Peer type of collaboration. 


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True: CPQ enables collaboration for auto-included standalone or bundle products. Also, CPQ displays the collaboration icon () next to an auto-included line items.
  • False: This is the default value. CPQ disables collaboration for auto-included standalone or bundle products. CPQ hides the collaboration icon () next to an auto-included line items.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Enable Default Quantity For ABO Item in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_EnableDefaultQuantityForABOItem. For more information, see Config System Properties.


You can use this setting to control whether attribute expressions are locked to prevent manual changes or unlocked to allow expressions to update attributes automatically.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting along with the getFavoriteConfigurationData remote action to add favorites to the cart. This setting prevents duplicate entries when adding large bundles and favorite groups together.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting along with Asset Line Item Callback to display assets from multiple accounts, which are related to an opportunity, on the Installed Products page. For more information to configure the callback, see Displaying Assets from Multiple Accounts on the Installed Products Page.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True: CPQ displays assets from multiple accounts.
  • False: This is the default value. CPQ displays assets from a single account related to the quote.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to control the ability of the Sales rep to apply promotions to multiple line items of the benefit product (Y). By default, this setting is disabled and CPQ applies the promotion only to the first line item of the benefit product (Y). When you enable this setting, CPQ applies the promotion to all line items of the benefit product (Y).


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to indicate pricing formulas using a field on the line item or a PAV extension field in price matrix or price rule where pricing is already adjusted for a foreign currency.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Enable Price Rule For ABO Item in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_EnablePriceRuleForABOItem. For more information, see Config System Properties.


This admin setting is no longer available.


You can use this setting to display constraint rule messages when you scroll up and down to select options on the Configuration page. The messages are displayed at the top of the screen even when you have scrolled down to select the options. CPQ updates the messages as you update the selection of the options.

Name APTS_EnableStaticConfigMessages

Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Exclude Optional Products in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_ExcludeOptionalProducts. For more information, see Config System Properties.


You can use this setting to, when the value is set to True, execute prevent Sales Representatives from finalizing the cart if the bundle configuration does not honor the Min Options configured for an option group of that bundle. This feature is useful when:

  • Min Options is defined for an option group.
  • The option group is hidden because the options under it do not have any active price list items.
  • Sales Representative finalizes the cart when there are no active products in an option group to fulfil the minimum number of options.

Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True: CPQ displays an error message on the cart that configuration is pending for the bundle that has the option group (where options have inactive PLIs).
  • False: This is the default value. CPQ does not display any error message on the cart.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to, when the value is set to True, execute all rules on click of the Validate button.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to process the promotions in batches for a cart with a large number of line items. The batch processing is only supported for Buy X Get X and Buy X Get Y promotions with Auto Apply? enabled. You can use this feature for both regular and async pricing.


Enter the number of line items to be processed in a batch.

You must define the batch size based on the complexity of the cart and the number of incentives applied on the line items.

CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Split Cart Threshold in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_LargeCartThreshold. For more information, see Config System Properties.


You can use this setting to define objects as Large Objects for document generation. You can also define a batch size for each of these objects. By default, CPQ considers Proposal Line Item and Agreement Line Item as Large Objects for document generation.

ValueLeave the field blank

Use the format Auto Applied <Object_API_name=<Batch Size>> to define the objects. You can add more objects separated by a new line. Decide the batch size based on the complexity of the cart and template. For example,

Apttus_QPConfig__ProposalLocation__c=5 QTC_Proposal_Related_Line_Item_c=1000


You must use the custom setting Large Doc Threshold in Proposal System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_LargeDocThreshold. For more information, see Proposal System Properties.


You can use this setting to enable the optimized retrieval of attributes on the cart page. When this setting is enabled, CPQ only retrieves the attributes in the cart that are associated with the product added to the cart. By default, all the attributes from Product Attribute Value, Product Attribute Value Ext, Product Attribute Value Ext 2, Product Attribute Value Ext 3, and custom Product Attribute Value Ext objects are loaded on the Cart page.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to display a timeout message whenever document generation exceeds 60 seconds.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to specify whether the related list should be sorted by the name field in the generated document. When enabled the related lists will be printed in the merge documents in the order of the name field of the related list. 


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use this setting only for troubleshooting errors. This setting overrides the ngCPQ UI with a static resource file.


You can use this setting to add support for custom object generation for objects that do not have a CurrencyIsoCode field (e.g., "EventRelation," "Task," "TaskRelation"). Separate Object names using a comma or new line. The setting is only applicable to templates in multi-currency org. 

Code<Object API name>


You can use this setting to add support for custom object generation for Objects that do not have a Name field. (for example, "EventRelation," "Task," "TaskRelation") Separate Object names using a comma or new line.

Code<Object API name>


You must use the custom setting Order Item Activate Batch Size in Order System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_OrderItemActivateBatchSize. For more information, see Configuring Order Management Custom Settings.


You must use the custom setting Order Item Create Batch Size in Order System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_OrderItemCreateBatchSize. For more information, see Configuring Order Management Custom Settings.


You can use this setting to create a password for protecting Microsoft Word agreements that are generated by the application. It also allows the application to password protect generated Microsoft Word documents. 

CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to auto-retrieve the custom fields in the onPriceItemSet() method in the Pricing Callback Class. For more information on Pricing Callback methods, see Pricing Callback Class.



ValueLeave the field blank.
CodeEnter the API names of the custom field of the Price List Item separated by a comma or on a new line.

APTS_PricingCartRestoreMode (formerly known as APTS_RestoreLinesOnChange)

You can use this setting to maintain a replica of the cart on TurboPricing. If line items are modified after the cart is saved, this admin setting communicates those changes to the pricing engine whenever you launch the cart so that pricing is up-to-date.

APTS_RestoreLinesOnChange is renamed as APTS_PricingCartRestoreMode from the Conga CPQ May '22 release.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • Quick: The user interface sends only price pending line items to TurboPricing on cart launch.
  • Full: The user interface restores full payload for all line items.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to enable TurboEngines on an org. For more information, see Setting Up the TurboPricing Endpoint URLs.


You must use this setting to set the Turbo Engines URLs. For more information, see Setting Up the TurboPricing Endpoint URLs.


You must use this setting to re-establish the WebSocket connection before it is timed out. The WebSocket connection is disconnected every 50 seconds for security reasons.

ValueLess than or equal to 45
CodeLeave the field blank.


You must use the custom setting Maximum Product Details Per Request in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_ProductDetailsChunkSize. For more information, see Config System Properties.


You can use this setting to enable pdf security on the generated Quote/ Proposal document. Before defining this setting you must configure Enable PDF Security and PDF Owner Password.

ValueEnter the value XML.

Enter the following code:


You can also use this setting to define the line and option sequence.

ValueEnter the value XML.

Enter the following code:

Depending upon your business object (Quote/Proposal or Agreement), you can enable this for ProposlConfig or ComplyConfig respectively.


You must use the custom setting Refine Search Checkbox Display Limit in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_RefineSearchCheckboxDisplayLimit. For more information, see Config System Properties.


You can use this setting to display the adjustments on options at the bundle and summary totals level.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to display a confirmation popup of email sent after presenting a quote using the Present button.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


This admin setting is deprecated. You must use the custom setting Sort Documents Descending in Proposal System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_SortDocumentsDesc. For more information, see Proposal System Properties.

If you are upgrading from the May '22 or September '22 to February '23 or later releases of CPQ, you must remove the APTS_SortDocumentsDesc admin setting. The admin setting is no longer supported.


You can use this setting to, when the value is set to True, get translated value of picklist options in the generated document.


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to clone a quote with line items and redirect it to a custom VF page.

ValueEnter the value XML.

Enter the following code:

<UIAction name="clone_proposal">

Here "CustomCloneProposal" is a custom VF page.


You can use this setting to specify the batch size for the Category Maintenance batch job when the job is executed using the exposed global Apex method CPQWebService.updateHierarchyViews(). You must specify a batch size value only when you notice limit exceptions in batch jobs because of complex categories with a lot of hierarchy levels. In such cases, you must decrease the batch size to execute the batch jobs successfully.

ValueEnter a value between 1 and 2000. The default batch size for the Category Maintenance batch job set in this global method is 2000.
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to define the product batch size for update view.


Enter a number.

  • If the APTS_UpdateViewUseDmlLimit admin setting set to True, the value of the APTS_UpdateViewProductBatchSize setting must be (10,000/# of price lists)*2
  • If the APTS_UpdateViewUseDmlLimit admin setting set to False, the value of the APTS_UpdateViewProductBatchSize setting must be (50,000/# of price lists)*2    
CodeLeave the field blank.


You can use this setting to execute the Category Maintenance batch job for the changes you make modifications to existing records instead of executing the batch job on the entire category definition.

ValueLeave the field blank

Enter the Product Classification records of the newly added products. 

These records are created after you associate products to the category. 

In case, you want to execute a maintenance batch job for the entire definition, clear the Code field, and then execute the Category Maintenance batch Job.


You can use this setting to, when the value is set to True, consider DML Salesforce limits for executing category maintenance jobs.    


Enter one of the following valid values:

  • True
  • False
CodeLeave the field blank.


Conga Contract Lifecycle Management uses this admin setting. For more information, see Admin Entries in CLM documentation.


This admin setting is deprecated. You must use the custom setting Grid Render Threshold in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting APTS_VirtualizationThreshold to manage scroll performance. For more information, see Config System Properties.


You must use the custom setting Clone With Approval Status in Proposal System Properties instead of the admin setting Apttus_QPConfig__CloneWithApprovalStatus__c. For more information, see Proposal System Properties.


You must use the custom setting Enable Contextual Totals in Config System Properties instead of the admin setting EnableContextualTotals. For more information, see Config System Properties.