You can use this API to copy product configuration from a saved or finalized proposal to another proposal.


webService static Boolean copyProductConfiguration(Id oldProposalId, Id newProposalId)

Request Parameter
newProposalIdIDYesThe ID of the proposal from which you want to copy the product configuration.
oldProposalIdIDYesThe ID of the proposal where you want to copy the product configuration.
Response Parameter
isSuccessBooleanIndicates whether the product configuration was copied or not.

Code Sample

The sample enables you to copy product configuration from one proposal to another.

* The below method demonstrates how to copy product configuration from one proposal to another one.
public static Boolean copyProductConfiguration(Id oldProposalID, Id newProposalId ) 
	Boolean isSuccess = false; 
	isSuccess = Apttus_qpconfig.QPConfigWebService.copyProductConfiguration(oldProposalID, newProposalId); return isSuccess ; 