You can use this API to create proposal documents for the given format, template name, document type, protection level, and an indicator of whether the document is a draft or final document. As a callback action, the API creates a task for further action.
API | Signature |
generateDoc2 | webService static Id generateDoc2(Id templateId, Id proposalId, String pLevel, String docFormat, Boolean isDraft, String sessionId, String serverUrl) |
Request Parameter |
Name | Type | Required? | Description |
templateId | ID | Yes | The ID of the template you want to use for the proposal. |
proposalId | ID | Yes | The ID of the proposal for which you want to generate the document. |
pLevel | String | Yes | The protection level you want to apply on the document |
docFormat | String | Yes | The format in which you want to generate the document. The valid values for this parameter are listed below: |
isDraft | Boolean | Yes | Indicate whether the generated document is a draft or a final document. |
sessionId | String | Yes | The session ID you want to use for the callback. |
serverUrl | String | Yes | The server URL you want to use for the callback. |
Response Parameter |
Field | Type | Description |
documentID | ID | The ID of the generated document. |
Code Sample
The sample code below enables you to create a proposal document by providing a valid proposal ID, template name, protection level, format, draft state. After the execution, it returns the proposal document ID.
* The below method demonstrates how to create draft or final proposal document by passing the proposal ID(auto generated ID as record name),
* template name, protection level, document format and isDraft indicator.
* Possible protection levels are:
* - Full access,
* - Insert comments and tracked changes only,
* - Insert comments only,
* - Fill in form fields only and
* - Read only
public Id createDocumentForQuote(String ProposalID, String templateName, String protectionLevel, String docFormat, Boolean isDraft){
Id documentId;
Id proposalSOId = [SELECT ID FROM Apttus_Proposal__Proposal__c WHERE Name = :ProposalID LIMIT 1].Id;
Id templateSOId = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Apttus__APTS_Template__cWHERE Name = :templateName AND Apttus__IsActive__c = TRUE LIMIT 1].Id;
if (proposalSOId != null && templateSOId != null)
String serverUrl;
Apttus_Proposal__ProposalSystemProperties__c prop = Apttus_Proposal__ProposalSystemProperties__c.getInstance('System Properties');
if (prop.Apttus_Proposal__EnableFile__c )
serverUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()
+ '/services/Soap/u/50.0/' + UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
serverUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()
+ '/services/Soap/u/50.0/' + UserInfo.getOrganizationId();
documentId = Apttus_Proposal.MergeWebService.generateDoc2(templateSOId,
return documentId;