Configure Price Quote (CPQ) CPQ for SOAP API Developers API Reference CPQ Admin Web Service Current: Retrieves List Product IDs PDF Download PDF Download page Retrieves List Product IDs. Current page All pages Retrieves List Product IDs You can use this API to retrieve the list of product Ids for the given product name.APISignaturegetProductIdswebService static List getProductIds(String productName)Request ParameterNameTypeDescriptionproductNameStringThe name product for which you want to retrieve the product Ids.Response ParameterNameTypeDescriptionproductIdList<String>The list of product Ids. Code SampleThe below sample code retrieves the product Ids of a given product name. public List<Id> getParentProducts(String productName) { // retrieve product IDs List<ID> productIds = Apttus_Config2.CPQAdminWebService.getProductIds(productName); return productIds; } CODE ×