In these release notes, you can find new features and enhancements and fixed and known issues for the Approvals 202408.1.0 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in Approvals Documentation.

This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license; therefore your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your customer success manager (CSM) or account executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.

To access the learning path, including overviews and demonstrations of this release’s updated features and enhancements, visit the Conga Learning Center.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

For requirements and recommendations to consider before installing the Conga product suite, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features and Enhancements

The following features are new to Conga Approvals in this release.

Rule Dimensions API Enhancements

The DimensionType parameter in the Rule Dimensions API (/approvals/v1/rule-dimensions) is modified to support the formula data type (object.field.sub-field), as is the ApprovalRuleDimension response field. See Rule Dimensions for more.

Dynamic Value Support in Step Entry Criteria

When you create an entry criterion for a step entry within a flow or rule, or an auto-approval within a flow or rule step, the logical expression (equation) now supports dynamic values on the right-hand side. As of this release, this an API-only implementation. See Process Steps and Rule Entries for more.

Object and Field Mappings Added to Sync Escalations

We have established two object mappings and corresponding field mappings that can be activated to sync escalations from Salesforce to the Conga Platform. Two Salesforce objects are linked to a single Conga Platform entity.

Note: This functionality remains under development: you must perform such syncs individually via API calls.

MyApprovals Filter Enhancement

An administrator can create an URL to add to approval emails that allows users to specify either My Approvals or All Approvals for the MyApproval UI filter. The default is All Approvals. This URL can be dynamically created for the email templates. Approval assignment emails and other notifications can use the link, enabling the user to click to the correct page with the correct filter.

Fixed Issues

There are no fixed issues in this release.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

DOC ID: ACP202408.1.0RN20240903