Release notes for Conga Contracts for Salesforce 2.23.


New Features and Enhancements

  • Managed Clauses for the Clause Library

    • The Select Clauses button in relation to Managed Clauses was replaced. When you click this button you navigate to the Clause Library Managed Clauses tab where you can select and order the Clauses of your choice.

    • You can only navigate to the Managed Clauses tab from the Select Clauses button and it does not show as standard in the Clause Library.
    • The old page is still referenced if you created custom buttons. To update your existing buttons the new URL reference is:/apex/APXT_Redlining__Contracts?sfdc.tabName=#/UI/ClauseLibrary/ManagedClauses/{!PARENTOBJECT.Id}/SelectClause

  • New View All List Type

    • When you navigate to the Contract Agreement object there is now a List View labeled All to view all existing Contract Agreements.

Issues Resolved

  • A related list button, New Clause, was added to both Clause Types and Clause Categories in the Related Clauses section. This allows for similar behavior as seen in Salesforce today where your Clause Type or Clause Category is automatically populated for you. On save of the new Clause, you are redirected back to the original record you started on.

  • Special characters such as & and < > were not rendering as expected in the Clause Type and Clause Category fields when creating or editing Clauses. A fix was implemented so that special characters now display properly in these fields.

  • When Selecting Clauses, the order of each clause is displayed on the right hand side of your Selected Clauses to help adjust the order as needed.

  • Managed Clauses are no longer marked as non-standard when you have the p tag cleaner in Conga General Settings enabled with existing Clauses that contain <p> tags. Your Managed Clause records will continue to have the tags removed as expected.

  • You no longer receive the following error when emails are successfully sent out during the Send for Negotiation process: Your email message was not sent. An error occurred when trying to send your email. Please try again later.

  • The Report page is no longer stuck on loading when an Org has multiple Conga Contracts external connections.

  • When an Administrator creates a custom lookup field on the Managed Clause object, either from a sandbox refresh or not using the Automatic Configurator, the merge values are synced to the Managed Clause and the Recursive Merge Status is updated to Already Synced.