In these release notes, you can find new features and enhancements and fixed and known issues for the CPQ 202409.1.0 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in CPQ Documentation.

This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license; therefore your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your customer success manager (CSM) or account executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.

To access the learning path, including overviews and demonstrations of this release’s updated features and enhancements, visit the Conga Learning Center.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

For requirements and recommendations to consider before installing the Conga product suite, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features and Enhancements

The following features are new to Conga CPQ in this release.

Support for Custom Fields during Suspend and Resume Operations

After the assets are purchased and there is a requirement to Suspend and Resume at a certain time, you can provide a reason or additional details on different fields during the transaction. The pop-up displays the start and end date, the selling term, and four custom fields to add reason or other details. These custom fields come from Asset Settings or API which are selected by the Admin. All the field values are displayed on the Suspended and Resumed lines on cart, also the entire record is read-only.

Support for Grouping Asset Line Items in Renewal Quote

Asset line items are grouped into different renewal quotes based on the selections in Renewal Group Fields and Auto Renew field.

For more information, see Asset Settings.

Enhanced Support for Dynamically Cloned Products in Configuration

Improved support for dynamically cloned products to ensure Rollup, BundleContext, Constraint Rules, Criteria, and Formula Fields work correctly. Administrators can now apply specific rules to individual cloned instances during configuration.

Support for Miscellaneous Line Items in Waterfall

Waterfall is now available for Miscellaneous line items, similar to other line items. These items now display all price points except list price and adjustments. The summary lines are also updated accordingly.

Support for Cloned Sub-Bundles in Rollups and Formula Fields

Support added for referencing cloned sub-bundles in rollups, formula fields, and bundle context. You can now apply rules to specific cloned instances and manage each clone independently in configurations.

API Updates for Waterfall Adjustments

  • The API now uses the AllowManualAdjustment flag instead of IsModifiable for consistency across the Waterfall APIs. It also removes the ChartId and Override properties from the Adjustment API payload, relying on Id to manage adjustments. Additionally, the Waterfall response now displays DisplayName instead of PricePointDisplayName.
    For more information, see Get price waterfall detail API.
  • To reset overridden adjustments, invoke the Delete adjustments for a line item API.

Support to pass Editable fields for Cancelled lines during Terminate operation

During Terminate operation, on the middle page, you can edit the fields for Cancelled lines. These changes are visible and editable in the cart line item.

Clicking the hyperlink of any Favorite Configuration now correctly displays the Favorite summary, resolving the previous error.

Improved Tooltip Behavior in Pricing Admin UI

Improved tooltip behavior during Dimension-based matrix and Price Ruleset creation. You can now read tooltips without accidentally enabling options like “Enable Date Range”.

Support to pass Co-termination Preference value in API during On Demand Renewals

When renewing assets using On-Demand renewal process, you can choose a 'Co-termination Preference' as Farthest Asset End Date as TRUE or FALSE. If the value is TRUE, then the farthest asset end date is applied as co-term and if it is FALSE, then the current asset end date is selected.

GET /api/asset/v1/{assetId}/coterm

For more information, see Get assets based on co-termination criteria API.

Enhancement in Renewal Execution Mode

In Global Settings > Assets, when Renewal Execution Mode is set to Auto, then on order activation Renewal Assets Group and Renewal Quote are created for eligible asset line items.
Similarly, when the Renewal Execution Mode is set to On Demand, then Renewal Assets Group and asset Renewal Quote are created when the On Demand job is triggered from the Account.
When the Renewal Execution Mode is None, Renewal Assets Group and Renewal Quote are not created.

For more information, see Asset Settings.

Filters Considered During Renewal Quote Creation

During Renewal Quote creation, the following filters are taken into consideration.

  • Assets with Primary Line = True
  • Assets with LineType = Product/Services
  • IsInActive=False
  • Status = PendingActivation or Suspended
  • Renew Type =Fixed or blank
  • Renewal group field
  • Renewal Lead time for On Demand mode

For more information, see Configuring Auto Renewals of Assets.

Cart Locking from Concurrent Access

You can enable cart locking to prevent others from editing the quote you are currently working on and help prevent data loss while a sales representative is working on a configuration. When you enable cart lock, others can only see the cart in read-only mode. The cart is unlocked only to perform save, finalize, abandon, or close the cart actions.

Support for Defining Scope in Rebate Programs via API

You can now define the scope of rebate programs, allowing which line items qualify for rebates. This feature enables to set criteria based on product families, product groups, and accounts while providing options to include or exclude specific items.

Post /api/revenue-admin/v1/rebates

For more information, see Create rebates API.

Support for Creating, Listing, and Deleting Rebates via API

Creating Rebates
You can now define essential information for creating a rebate program through the Admin API. This includes fields for rebate name, effective and expiry dates, priority, activity status, description, and rebate type. Upon saving, the system generates a unique ID for the rebate program.

Post /api/revenue-admin/v1/rebates

Listing Rebates
You can now access a list of rebate programs associated with a cart through the Admin API. The Rebate page displays details such as rebate name, type, active status, description, creation date, and who created it. You can search, sort, and filter the list based on various criteria and fetch specific rebate programs using their IDs.

Get /api/revenue-admin/v1/rebates

Deleting Rebates
You can delete rebate programs from quotes through the Admin API if they were not created by an admin. Users with create/edit access can perform bulk deletions as needed.

Delete /api/revenue-admin/v1/rebates

For more information, see Create rebates, Retrieve rebates, and Delete rebates APIs.

New Price UOM Field for PLI in Admin UI

The new 'Price UOM' field on the PLI detail page allows setting a default Unit of Measure. You can select from supported UOM options with a default value of “Each”. You can clear the field to pass a null value if needed.

For more information, see Adding Details to a Price List Item.

New Min/Max Pricing Fields in PLI Detail Page

Min/Max pricing fields are now available in the PLI details. You can define minimum and maximum values for “Base Price” or “Extended Price” using dropdown options or set minimum and maximum percentage adjustments if these fields are left blank. The field is optional, and you can clear it anytime to reset the values.

For more information, see Adding Details to a Price List Item.

Enhanced Smart Search for Picklists in Admin UI

Pricing Administration now supports smart search for different picklists in key fields. You can efficiently search for currency selections in the Price List section and dimension fields in the Details tab and new forms in the Dimension section.

For more information, see Creating a Price List and Creating a Dimension.

Support of Filter for Rate Table Columns in Tiers

You can now filter Rate Table Columns for both "Rate Table - With Tiers" and "Rate Table - No Tiers." The search dropdowns for all three Rate Table Columns display only Price Dimensions with the “Standard” type in the “Line Item” context. Selected Price Dimensions show the appropriate control types, such as Multi-select dropdown or Textbox.

For more information, see Defining Benefits of a Promotion.

Simplified Benefits Screen for Rate Table - No Tiers in Admin UI

The Benefits screen in Admin UI now simplifies the display for Rate Table - No Tiers by removing the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields. Since these dates already appear at the Incentive level.

For more information, see Defining Benefits of a Promotion.

Enhancements to the Catalog, Option Group, and Guidance Rules Pages

The following enhancements are introduced on the following pages for better user experience.

  • Catalog Page: You can navigate to the parent category page by clicking the required parent category name on the Catalog page.
  • Option Groups: You can navigate to the parent option group details page by clicking the required parent category name on the Option Groups page.
  • Guidance Rules: You can navigate to the dimension set details by clicking the required dimension set name on the Guidance Rules page.

For more information, see Managing Catalog, Managing the Option Groups, and Creating Guidance Rules.

Support for Pending Order and Order line items in Quote flow

Using CartCheckout API on the Conga Platform an Order and order line items are created in Pending status.

POST api/cart/v1/carts/{cartId}/order

For more information, see Check the cart out API.

Support for Filtering Orders from Quote Page

On the Quote details page, you can view the Orders associated with the quote. Click on an order to view the details page. On this page, you can filter the data based on parameters such as order name, order amount, or sold to account.

Support for Viewing Assets on Quote Page

On the Quote details page, you can view the assets records associated with the primary Account on the quote. The fields shown on the details page are based on the fields specified in the 'system' flow. Default fields are asset name, product, quantity, charge type, selling term and frequency, start date end date, net and base price, etc. You can perform basic and advanced search on Asset Line Item however all data is in read-only mode.

Support for Providing Reason During Suspend and Resume

After assets are purchased, if you want to suspend or resume any asset, then during the transaction you can provide a reason or any other details. Select the fields that you want to show in the transaction from Global Settings > Assets.

For more information, see Asset Settings.

Support for Renew one Ramp on Renewal Quotes with Ramp Lines

During the Renewal quote creation, “Default Renewal Term” and “Auto Renew Term” are considered when Renew one Ramp is enabled in Global Settings > Asset. Only the last ramp line is renewed and added to the renewal quote. When Renew one Ramp is disabled, all ramp lines are renewed and added to the renewal quote.

For more information, see Configuring Auto Renewal of Assets.

Support for Renewal Terms during Renewal Quotes creation

During Renewal quote creation “Default Renewal Term” and “Auto Renew Term” are taken into consideration. If there is a value at Default Renewal Term, then that is used to calculate the Renewed End date. If there is value at “Auto Renew Term” on any line item, then it is given the 1st preference to calculate the Renewed End date for the respective asset. If Renewal Adjustment type=Uplift and Renewal Adjustment amount=10% then Renewal quote must have lines with 10% uplift base price and Net price.

The above is valid for product standalone and Bundle-option only.

For more information, see Configuring Auto Renewals of Assets.

Ability to Search Products on the Bundle Configuration Page

The enhanced bundle configuration page enables you to search and add products as needed. This saves time and avoids manually searching the products while configuring the quote.

Enhanced Support for Itemized Options in Lazy Load Bundles

Enhanced the Itemized Options section in the configuration page to fully support lazy load bundles. The GET /api/cart/v1/carts/{cartId}/bundle/{lineNumber}/details API now returns user-selected options and attributes for configured bundles.

For more information, see Get line item structure details API.

Associating Attribute Groups with Option Groups

You can associate an attribute group directly with an option group. This enables you to avoid manually setting a shared attribute across all options inside a group one after another.

For more information, see Associating Attribute Groups with Option Group.

Support for Grouping Renewal Quotes based on Renewal Group Fields

Renewal Quotes are created with renewed line items based on grouping fields provided in Renewal Group Fields. The default Renewal Group field is “AutoRenew flag” and “Pricelist”. Line items with the same end date are grouped in a single quote.

For more information, see Asset Settings.

Enhanced the Name of Renewal Quote

For a Renewal Quote, the name of the quote is generated based on Renewal Execution Mode and Auto Renew status. When the Renewal Execution Mode is Auto then the parent quote number is considered and when it is On Demand, the account ID is considered.

For more information, see Configuring Auto Renewals of Assets.

Support for the Creation of Automatic Renewal Quotes

On activation of order, if the renewal execution mode is auto then the renewal quote is created for the assets automatically.

For more information, see Configuring Auto Renewal of Assets.

Support for Previewing Quotes

On the Quote details page, using the Preview & Submit button you can preview a Quote before submitting for approval. For more information, see Presenting Quotes.

Support for Applying Inclusion Constraint Rules

You can now apply inclusion constraint rules while configuring products. This enhancement allows the use of multiple condition and action statements across different scopes. This ensures accurate product configurations when adding items to the cart.

Delta Price Synchronization After Reprice

The Delta Price on both the Summary line and Line Item now updates correctly after a reprice. Additionally, the Delta Price for the Cart and Summary Group remains consistent.

Enabling Cart Locking from Concurrent Access

You can enable cart locking to prevent others from editing the quote you are currently working on and help prevent data loss while a sales representative is working on a configuration. When you enable cart lock, others can only see the cart in read-only mode. The cart is unlocked only to perform save, finalize, abandon, or close the cart actions.

To achieve this, ensure that the EnableCartLockingForConcurrentAccess flag is set to true. To view the flag value, Invoke the Get a configuration API by passing CPQ as a category and featuresettings as a value. To update the flag value, Invoke the Update a configuration API.

For more information, see About Cart Locking for Concurrent Access.

Fixed Issues

There are no fixed issues in this release.

Known Issues

The following unresolved issues are known to Conga at the time of this release.

Conga Internal IDDescription

There is an issue where cart line items disappear, and an error occurs due to duplicate PrimaryTxnLineNumber values.
Error: "TypeError: s.addMirroredCheckedState is not a function"

DOC ID: CPQRLP202409.1.0RN20241014