Dimension Sets enable you to group together Dimensions for use with Deal Guidance Rules. By grouping together dimensions and selecting the appropriate input type, you are setting up how they will be displayed when creating guidance rules and how values should be entered for them.

To define deal guidance dimension sets

  1. Go to All Tabs () > Deal Guidance Dimension Sets.
  2. Click New Deal Guidance Dimension Sets.
  3. Enter the following details as described in the table.


    Set Name

    Provide a descriptive, unique name for the dimension.

    Guidance Type

    Select one of the following, which controls which values are available in the Business Object list:

    Deal Level: this means the guidance will be based on a field at the object level. For instance, it will be the total value of a quote or deal that is judged, not a specific line item that makes up part of the overall object value.

    Line Level: this means the guidance will be based on a field at the line item level.

    Business Object

    The values available here are dependent on the selected Guidance Type. This should match the object you plan to use the deal guidance for.

    DescriptionType a brief description. This is an optional field.
  4. In the Deal Guidance Rule Entries section, you must add at least one Dimension by completing the following. The Dimensions reference the specific object fields which will be used for evaluating the quality of the deal:


    Dimension Name

    Provide a descriptive, unique name for the dimension, that describes the Dimension you select from the Dimension list.


    Select the Dimension.

    Input Type

    Select Discrete if you want to use a specific value, such as Belgium or Ireland. Select Range if you want to be able to use a value range, such as a number between 100 and 499.

    You can click the add icon ( ) to add more dimensions if required.

  5. Click Save or click Save & Renew to repeat the task. A dimension set is created that can be used with a rule.

You should create a guidance rule to use the dimension set with.