To access the new features and enhancements delivered in the 202409.1.0 release, use the latest SDK packages and reference templates from the GitHub release registries:
You must have a GitHub account and a validGitHub authentication tokento install the packages from the repository.
In case you face issues installing the SDK, you may need to authenticate using your GitHub token.
After cloning the reference template, you must update thenpmrc filein the reference template with the SDK library hosted URL as below. Enter your GitHub authentication token at line 2 after authToken=
After updating the npmrc file, run npm install from the root of your project’s resources folder. This command installs third-party libraries, including the congarevenuecloud/e-commerce library listed in the package.json file, which contains all the components and data access layers. Once done, the SDK and its dependencies will be ready to use.
You can verify that the dependencies are installed by looking at the node modulesfolder and in that folder congrevenuecloud > SDK library folders (i.e. core, ecommerce, elements etc.) are created in the resources folder.