You can re-validate your saved quote for the product structure changes. Saved quotes created in the past might have a product for which structure or rule has been changed. This can affect the validity of such a quote when you re-open the configuration. Re-validation includes changes to the product structure, such as the addition or deletion of options.

To enable re-validation of the cart

  1. Click All tabs and click Storefronts.

  2. Select your Storefront from the available list.

  3. Select the Enable Cart Revalidation check box.
  4. Click Save.

Now, whenever an Admin changes the Product Configuration and updates the Version field of the product, you see the Revalidate button on the previously saved Cart page.

Use Case 1: Data sync not done

  1. Add product A to cart with Product Version as 8.
  2. Change the product version from 8 to 9 (hard revalidation)
  3. Do not perform Data Sync.
  4. Refresh the application, switch the cart, edit the quote or order.
  5. You see the Revalidate button. The GET API is triggered for the lineitem at cart level and product on the Salesforce. A popup is displayed and you are blocked to progress further.
  6. Click the Revalidate button. The POST API is triggered displaying the lineitem as product version 9.
  7. Create a New cart and add product A. Notice that the Product is displayed with product version as 8. This is because data sync was not performed with Lightsaber.

Use Case 2: Data sync done

  1. Add product A to cart with Product Version as 8.
  2. Change the product version from 8 to 9 (hard revalidation)
  3. Perform Data Sync.
  4. Refresh the application, switch the cart, edit the quote or order.
  5. You see the Revalidate button. The GET API is triggered for the lineitem at cart level and product on the Salesforce. A popup is displayed and you are blocked to progress further.
  6. Click the Revalidate button. The POST API is triggered displaying the lineitem as product version 9.
  7. Create a New cart and add product A. Notice that the Product is displayed with product version as 9. This is because data sync was performed with Lightsaber.


Hard Revalidation is considered, when a product version is changed incrementally with a higher digit. For example, from 0 to 1, 0 to 2, 1.4 to 2.6.

Soft Revalidation is an incremental or decremental change in the version number. Consider the following:

  • If a Pricelist is deactivated, expired, or deleted
  • Any pricing changes without product version change
  • A product version change from 0 to 0.1 or 2 to 1