Product comparison allows you to compare the features and specifications of multiple products on a single page, making it easier to make an informed purchasing decision. You can select more than one product and compare product features in the catalog. A page appears listing the selected products and their features in a tabular form for you to review, compare, and make your decision to purchase. You can also add the product to the cart directly from the comparison page.

Benefits of Product Comparison:

  1. Efficient Decision Making: The side-by-side comparison makes it easy to identify key differences between products, aiding in quicker decision-making.

  2. Informed Purchasing: You can see the features and details of multiple products at once, ensuring you are well informed about your options before making a purchase.

  3. Time-Saving: Instead of navigating back and forth between product pages, you can quickly assess different products on a single page.

  4. Customization and Personalization: You can find products that best match your preferences and needs, ultimately leading to a more satisfying shopping experience.

Compare Products

Every product card on the Catalog has a checkbox beside it. Selecting the checkbox opens a drawer with a list of selected products. From the Selection action, select Compare and click Confirm to review, compare, finalize your product, and add to the cart directly from the Compare Products screen. You can remove the product from the compare list by clicking the Remove () icon.

  • Although there is no limitation on the number of products for comparison, it is advisable to limit the number to no more than 15 to avoid operations failing or taking too long to finish, as well as the difficulty of visually comparing too many products at once.
  • Select All checkbox is only available on tablets and desktops to perform bulk operation.
  • Compare feature is available on tablets and desktops due to higher resolution requirements.

All the common features are displayed together based on the feature category-wise with a blue color border. The other features that are not common across all the selected products are displayed separately at the end of the list.

If none of the selected items share any common features, the system will display a warning message with a list of products that have nothing in common with each other.

The following API is used to compare selected products.

POST  https://<URL_of_the_Instance>/api/catalog/v1/products/compare