Before you install the DocuSign packages, you must ensure that you have set up your DocuSign account and associate DocuSign user profile for each user you want to have access to the DocuSign functionality within Salesforce.

DocuSign provides both production and development/sandbox environments. You can get a free developer account from the DocuSign Developer Center. For a full production environment, you can contact DocuSign or contact Support who can provide some assistance, if you do not already have a production version of DocuSign. Production and Sandbox accounts are separate and require separate logins.

Apart from the initial set up of a production or sandbox account, both environments are configured in the same manner.

To set up a sandbox account and link it to Conga User Account

You must have a Conga user account in Salesforce that you can associate with a user account in DocuSign.

  1. Go to the DocuSign Developer Center and create a sandbox account.

    You must use the email address of the Conga user whose account you want to link to DocuSign. An email is sent to the email address you enter. You must activate your account.

  2. Ensure Admin Permission Profile is selected for your account in DocuSign.
  3. Create another user associated with a Conga User account under the Admin account. 

    These additional users must be in the same Salesforce org as the initial user, who was used to create the sandbox account.

You now have users setup in DocuSign that can be associated with different Conga users in the same Org.