One Click Send enables users to send an envelope for eSignature without needing to go through the various eSignature screens. You can directly send documents to default recipients or Primary Contacts with a single click without configuring additional attachments or recipients.

Navigate to Comply/Proposal System Properties and select One Click Send. When the user navigates to a Quote or an Agreement and clicks eSignature button, the documents in the Notes and Attachments related list is sent to the Default Recipients or Primary Contact configured for that object directly.

While using the one-click signature feature ensure that you have a document added to the Notes an Attachments related list as well as recipients defined in the Default Recipients Related list or a Primary Contact for the Quote or Agreement object.

Once the custom setting has been enabled, the sender can send the envelope from the record. By default, it will take the primary contact, but if the ‘Auto Select Multiple Recipients’ setting is selected, it will take the recipient sin the DocuSign Default Recipients list. For the attachment, the last modified attachment in the Notes & Attachments will be selected. Once you have the appropriate settings in place, then you can click the eSignature button on the record, which will send the document for signature.