You must ensure the following post-installation settings are done within your account.

  • eSignature buttons for the Agreement and Quote/Proposal object
  • Server Configuration
  • Changing Document Options
  • Setting Default Recipient Properties

eSignature Buttons for the Agreement and Quote/Proposal Object

To initiate the DocuSign signature process and later check the signature status, you must have the correct buttons available on the agreement and quote record object.

The fields may already be available on the default page layouts, so you would only need to complete the following for custom layouts.

From Setup, go to Create > Objects > Agreement > Page Layouts and click Edit for the page layout you want to use with DocuSign eSignatures. Go to the Fields list, and drag the following fields onto the page:

  • Send For eSignature (Apttus_CMDSign.SendForESignature)
  • Check eSignature Status (Apttus_CMDSign.CheckESignatureStatus)
  • Recall E-Signature Request (Apttus_CMDSign. RecallESignatureRequest)
  • Correct E-Signature Document (Apttus_CMDSign.ViewESignatureDocument)

From Setup, go to Create > Objects > Quote/Proposal > Page Layouts and click Edit for the page layout you want to use with DocuSign eSignatures. Go to the Fields list, and drag the following fields onto the page:

  • Send For eSignature (Apttus_QPSign.SendForESignature)
  • Check eSignature Status (Apttus_QPSign.CheckESignatureStatus)
  • Recall E-Signature Request(Apttus_QPSign.RecallESignatureRequest)
  • Correct E-Signature Document (Apttus_QPSign.ViewESignatureDocument)

Server Configuration

Both System Properties and Remote Site Settings must be configured. Initially, you can use a sandbox or demo server to test your DocuSign Services implementation and once you are ready to go live you can switch over to a production server. These two system properties handle that requirement.

App Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > DocuSign System Properties 
Production Server Pod Indicates which server the DocuSign Services integration points to, either DEMO server when using a sandbox account or PRODUCTION server when using a production account. This setting is dependent on the Production Environment? setting. That setting indicates whether it's production or development, while this setting specifies the actual name of the server. You can now specify the value in the following format: https://<instance-name>
Production Environment?

Checking this indicates that the DocuSign production server is to be used. If it is not checked a development/sandbox server will be used. If it is unchecked it will connect to a DEMO server, regardless of what value is in Production Server Pod.

If the settings mentioned below do not already exist, you must create three Remote Site Settings in the table below. After being set up, these settings need not be changed. Enter the Name, the corresponding URL, and ensure they are Active.

Administration Setup >SecurityControls> RemoteSiteSettings
Remote Site NameRemote Site URL
Instance URLURL of your Salesforce instance

Changing Document Options

These properties are used to control how you want to work with the documents that are sent for eSignature.

App Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > DocuSign System Properties
MaxNumberOfSignerRole (Deprecated)This sets the maximum number of Signer role fields that will be available.
RetrieveAsCombinedDocument Selecting this option generates a single PDF document containing all documents that were signed during the eSignature process. If this is not checked, each document will result in a separate PDF.
In-Person Signers

This indicates that a signer is in the same physical location as a DocuSign user who will act as the signing host for the document signing. This recipient type can only be used if enabled for the DocuSign account associated with the Org. This must be selected to have the option available from the Signer Type list when selecting recipients. The In-person Signer passes control to a Docusign user who can sign on their behalf.

Setting Default Recipient Properties

You can now configure default recipients who receive the agreement or contract for signature. The Default Recipients cannot be deleted from the Recipient List. The following managed properties control the behavior of default recipients.

App Setup > Develop > Custom Setting > Comply System Properties or Proposal System Properties
Auto Select Recipient FieldAllows you to specify a contact field that will be used as default recipient for the eSignature.
Note: If the field name is specified, then one recipient from the specified field is auto-selected. For a given implementation and application, either this option or auto-select multiple recipient option should be selected. If both are selected, then auto-select multiple recipient option will take precedence over the one recipient option.

If this option is selected,
The default recipient from the contact field is displayed on the eSignature envelope.

This field requires the API name of a field containing the recipient you would like to have auto-selected when sending a document for eSignature. You must ensure this user has an email address, as you cannot edit them once they have been added. For instance, you can enter Apttus_Proposal__Primary_Contact__c or Apttus__Primary_Contact__c to have the primary contact on the proposal or agreement record added automatically as a recipient. You should then ensure the agreement record has a valid user with an email address in that field.
The Recipient's field becomes a read-only field once an eSignature request is initiated.

When Auto-Select Attachment is not selected, the user is redirected to the Select Attachment screen.

If this option is not selected, you can select recipients while initiating an eSignature request.
Auto-Select multiple recipients? 

Allows projects to specify a list of recipients that will have defaulted for the eSignature.

To use this option, add DocuSign Recipients related list on the agreement or quote and specify the list for each agreement or quote.

If this option is selected, the default recipient from the DocuSign Recipients related list is fetched and populated on the eSignature envelope.

If this option is not selected, you can select recipients when an eSignature request is initiated.
Auto-Select AttachmentThis property allows you to auto-select the latest modified attachment from the parent document. 

If set to true,
The system will auto-select the latest modified document.

The system will show the Read-Only selection on the Preview screen.

  • If Auto-Select Recipient (one or multiple) is not selected, the user is redirected to the Select Recipient page.

Specify the following validation message:

  • If this option is selected, and the user has not selected any attachment on the parent document, and an eSignature request is initiated then show No attachments available for eSignature. Add an attachment before initiating the eSignature request.

This option is overridden by Select First Document Default setting in System Properties. The system will consider Select First Document Default setting first.