Complete these steps to acquire your Apps and Keys for your DocuSign account. 

  1. Log in to your DocuSign account as the Administrator.
  2. Go to Settings > Integrations > Apps and Keys.
  3. Click Add App and Integration Key.
  4. Input your Application Name and click Create App.
  5. Under the Authentication section, select the Authorization Code Grant.
  6. Under Service Integration, click Generate RSA
  7. Copy the public and private keys to a safe location as they will not be displayed again. They will be used in the next section.
  8. Under Additional Settings > Add URI > add the following URI:
    1. {Salesforce Instance Url}/apex/Apttus_DocuApi__DocuSignConfigurationHome

    2. {Salesforce Instance Url}/apex/Apttus_DocuApi__DocusignGrantConsentCallBack