Use the DocuSign Configuration Home tab to set up your integration between DocuSign API and Salesforce.

  1. Log in as the Salesforce Admin and go to the DocuSign Configuration Home Tab.
  2. Select your DocuSign environment (Demo/Production) to connect to your Salesforce org.
  3. Log in as the DocuSign Administrator.
  4. Add the DocuSign Admin User API ID. Go to Apps and Keys, find your User ID, copy it, and add it to the DocuSign Admin User API ID field.
  5. Add the DocuSign API Account ID. Go to Apps and Keys, find your API Account ID, copy it, and add it to the DocuSign API Account ID field. 
  6. Add the Integration Key.  Go to Apps and Keys, find your Integration Key, copy it, and add it to the Integration Key field. 
  7. Add the DocuSign Account Base URI. Go to Apps and Keys, find your Account Bas URI, copy it, and add it to the DocuSign Account Base URI field. 
  8. Add the DocuSign Account ID. To find your DocuSign account ID, visit DocuSign and log into your DocuSign account, click your profile image in the upper-right corner. Your account number is under your name and/or org name in the drop-down menu. Copy and add it to the DocuSign Account ID field. 
  9. Add the Private and Public Keys you have collected while configuring Apps and Keys in DocuSign Account. For more information, see Setup Apps and Keys in DocuSign Account
  10. Set Enable Admin Consent to false for Individual Consent Flow.
  11. Set Enable Admin Consent to true for Admin Consent Flow.
  12. Click Next. You are redirected to the DocuSign login page. Input your Username/Password and Allow permissions to impersonate and provide signatures. 
  13. Click Allow to grant consent to the Salesforce application. 

The generated integration key from the DocuSign sandbox org should follow the DocuSign go-live process for production. Please refer to the following link for more details - DocuSign Rest API Go-Live.