The following table defines and describes possible reasons for error messages you may receive during the data sync process. For more information that is not listed here, refer to the FAQ.

Error MessageReason
Invalid Field name Apttus_ExternalId__c for Object <<Object Name>>

This error is shown when the Id / ExternalID field does not exist for <<Object Name>> object.

StatusCode: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Message: Unable to create/update fields: <<Field Names>>. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set., Fields: <<Field Names>>

This error is shown when <<Field Names>> field is a formula field or it is not allowed to be updated by sync.

One or more errors occurred. InvokeAsync failed with status code BadRequest, error Cannot deserialize instance of date from VALUE_STRING value false or request may be missing a required field at [Source: N/A; line: -1, column: -1] at [line:-1, column:-1] and stack trace

This error is shown when a field mapping type is configured as String, but the field is not of String type.

StatusCode: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Message: <<Object Name>>: bad field names on insert/update call: Parent, Fields: <<Field Name>>

A system field <<Field Name>> is configured for sync (cannot be updated).

The plug-in execution failed because no Sandbox Worker processes are currently available. Please try again. System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a contract mismatch, a premature session shutdown or an internal server error.

This error is shown under "System Jobs" when there is an issue with Conga connection and the application is not able to establish a connection with Conga.
One or more errors occurred. InvokeAsync failed with status code BadRequest, error No such column <<Field API Name>> on sobject of type <<Object API Name>> and stack traceThis error is shown when a field with <<Field API Name>> under <<Object API Name>> does not exist in Conga.

One or more errors occurred. <<Object API Name>> entity doesn't contain attribute with Name = <<Field API Name>> and NameMapping = 'Logical'. MetadataCacheDetails: ProviderType=Dynamic, StandardCache=True, IsLoadedInStagedContext = False, Timestamp=4814226, MinActiveRowVersion=4814226

This error is shown when a field with <<Field API Name>> under <<Object API Name>> does not exist in Dynamics 365.

One or more errors occurred. Could not find the entity.

This error is shown when the object name is incorrect or the object does not exist in Conga or Dynamics 365.