Before you use the data sync admin tool, you must configure connections to both Microsoft Dynamics and Conga.

Setting up the Dynamics 365 Connection

Perform the following tasks in order to set up a Dynamics 365 connection.

Generate a client Id and client secret

Before you can create a connection to your Dynamics instance, you must generate a client Id and client secret. Refer to the following link for steps:

Key Points

When generating a client Id/secret, pay attention to the following points:

  • Ensure that the user that is used for logging in to the Azure portal belongs to the same Active Directory as the Dynamics 365 instance. When creating the Dynamics 365 app, you must select the Web app/API.
  • The RedirectUrl can be set to any dummy value (for example, http://localhost/datasync).
  • Remember to add the permission for accessing the Dynamics 365 online API.

To get the Power Automate Connection Id

To enable data sync scheduling, you must get the Power Automate Connection Id from the Microsoft Power Automate portal.

  1. Log in to Power Automate portal.
  2. From the left pane, navigate to Data > Connections.
  3. Click on the link labeled as the Common Data Service connection.
  4. In the browser URL, find the value of 'connectionName'. Copy the value (you will need it for the next task). Example value: 11ffc2be-c465-446b-a4c1-d10fbad39834

To set up a connection to your Dynamics instance

Current Dynamics instance connection details are used for establishing the connection with Conga, irrespective of the Dynamics 365 connection configured.

  1. Open the Conga-Dynamics 365 Connector.
  2. Under Groups in the left side panel, select Connections. A list of connections is displayed (if this is the first time you are using the connector you will see two connections: Conga and Dynamics 365).
  3. To configure the Dynamics connection, click the hyperlink corresponding to the Connection Name.
  4. Enter the following information in the fields provided:

    FieldDescriptionNotes / Example
    NameA name for the connectionThis is seeded (read-only) and cannot be changed: Dynamics 365
    TypeCRM type (Dynamics)This is seeded (read-only) and cannot be changed: Dynamics365
    UsernameUser name of the service account in DynamicsAccount must have full read, write, and delete permissions for the objects being synced and must be a service account
    PasswordPassword for service account user
    IsActiveIndicates whether the connection can be selected when setting up a sync group

    Yes / No. This flag is set to 'Yes' for the initial connections set up when the connector is first installed. If set to 'No' and the connector version is updated (package is redeployed), a new connection is created with IsActive set to 'Yes'.

    You cannot have more than one active Dynamics 365 connection at a time.

    Client IdThe client Id you generated in the previous taskSee
    Client SecretThe client secret you generated in the previous taskSee
    Redirect URLThe Redirect URL from the previous taskExample: "http://localhost/datasync"
    Service URLURL of the Dynamics serverExample: https://<host>"
    Power Automate ConnectionIdThe connection Id for the Power Automate flow (enables sync scheduling)Copy this value from the previous task. Example value: 11ffc2be-c465-446b-a4c1-d10fbad39834
  5. Click Save


To edit an existing connection, click the Connection Name on the Connections page.

Setting up the Conga Connection

To set up the connection to Conga (on Salesforce), you must create a Connected App. Install the Connected App in the org you are syncing to enable authentication. After the Connected App is installed, you can get the Client Id and Client Secret required for configuration, as well as user name and password.

Refer to step-by-step instructions on how to create a Connected App.

To set up a connection to Conga

  1. Open the Conga-Dynamics 365 Connector.
  2. Under Groups in the left side panel, select Connections. A list of connections is displayed (if this is the first time you are using the connector you will see two connections: Conga and Dynamics 365).
  3. To configure the Conga connection, click the hyperlink corresponding to the Connection Name.
  4. Enter the following information in the fields provided:

    FieldDescriptionNotes / Example
    NameA name for the connectionThis is seeded (read-only) and cannot be changed: Conga
    TypeCRM typeThis is seeded (read-only) and cannot be changed: Conga
    UsernameUser name of admin account in CongaAccount must have full read/write/delete permissions for the objects being synced.
    PasswordPassword for admin account user
    Api EndpointThe API endpoint for Conga instance/services/data/v46.0
    IsActiveIndicates whether the connection should be active or not

    Yes / No. This flag is set to 'Yes' for the initial connections set up when the connector is first installed. If set to 'No' and the connector version is updated (package is redeployed), a new connection is created with IsActive set to 'Yes'.

    You cannot have more than one active Conga connection at a time.

    IsTestIndicates whether the Conga instance is a test environmentYes / No
    InstanceUrlService URL of the Conga instance
    Client IdThe client Id you generated in the previous taskGet from the Connected App.
    Client SecretThe client secret you generated in the previous taskGet from the Connected App.
    Password Security TokenThe password security token, if required
    Token Request URLOAuth token URL
  5. Click Save.