The following are known limitations for the Conga-Dynamics 365 Connector as of the current release:

  • After creating a sync group, the user must provide a value for "Last Sync Time" as a one-time only task. "Last Sync Time" is the time when the first data sync operation is run.
  • The Address field is not supported. Workaround: Copy fields of type Address, convert them into individual fields such as "Street" (Text), Country (picklist), State (picklist), and Zip (numerical, text, or picklist), and then sync. 
  • The Composite field is not supported.
  • If there is a discrepancy between the source and destination field type, the sync will not be successful.
  • If unprocessed records exceed 1000, the sync will fail as Dynamics 365 does not allow insert or update operations for more than 1000 records. This applies to data synced from Conga into Dynamics. Workaround: Adjust the frequency of the sync to a higher frequency to avoid exceeding 1000 records.
  • Dynamics 365 has a limitation where a process cannot be run for more than 2 minutes. When this occurs, the connector will pause the sync and resume at the next scheduled run.