An eSignature or electronic signature is an efficient and legal way to get electronic documents signed quickly. Conga eSignature integration enables you to electronically sign any type of document associated with contracts. It offers the ability to integrate third party eSignature services with Conga Platform. You can connect and setup Conga Sign, Adobe Sign, DocuSign, OneSpan Sign, Sertifi, and  wet signature to send documents for eSignature. 

Conga eSignature integration provides a streamlined point-and-click way for sending documents for eSignature when it comes to acquire final approvals for a contract. Within the contract, the send for eSignature feature allows you to significantly shorten approval cycles by quickly compiling the necessary documents, selecting the right contacts from your org and easily sending personalized emails. As documents are routed, Conga eSignature integration ensures that documents adhere to the appropriate workflows. When documents are signed by all the signers, the contract status is automatically updated inside your org, and final signed documents are attached to the contract. With Conga eSignature integration, you have a fully secure, auditable, and trackable view of who has approved your documents for contracts.