In order to integrate DocuSign with the Conga eSignature service, you need to create an app and an integration key as follows:

  1. Log in to your DocuSign account as an administrator.
  2. Go to Settings > Integrations > Apps and Keys.
  3. Click Add App and Integration Key.
  4. Enter the app name, and click Create App button.
  5. Copy the Integration Key to a notepad from General Info section. 
  6. Under the Authentication section, click Add Secret Key button. Copy the secret key to a notepad. 
  7. Under the Additional Settings section, click Add URI. Add URI: {Conga Platform Instance Url}/congaadmin/integrations/details/DocuSign
  8. Click Save.

You need integration key, secret key, and redirect URL values to integrate the Conga eSignature service with DocuSign.