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SOAP API Guide Structure

Document Setup

The CPQ and CM API reference Guide is divided into two sections: API Reference and Scenarios.

API Reference

The API reference section details the APIs that you can use to manipulate Conga objects through API calls and passing parameters. The API reference section also includes some code samples.


The Scenarios section details examples of the APIs you require to complete a specific task such as, adding products and constraint rules to the cart. The scenarios are classified by theme. You can refer to the generic examples of scenarios to identify the calls you can use to achieve your objective.

API Standards and Development Platforms

Conga APIs are based on Salesforce APIs and use the same standards and platforms.

Development Platforms

Conga SOAP API works with standard SOAP development environments. For a list of compatible development platforms, see Salesforce Developer Force API details.


A later version of this content will contain sample code.

Field Types

Conga APIs use a subset of the supported data and field types on Salesforce.

The following table lists the APIs that Conga provides. For a comprehensive list of all field types supported by Salesforce, see Salesforce Data Types.




The Boolean field has a true (or 1) or false (or 0) value.

Data object

The Data Object field is an ID type and is represented by CPQ.nnDO in this document.


The Date field contains date values only and do not contain relevant time values. Time in a date field is always set to midnight in the UTC time zone. If you want a time stamp you must use a dateTime field.


The Decimal field provides an exact numeric value and you can arbitrarily size the precision and scale of the value.


The ID field is an alphanumeric field that acts like the primary key for a specific record associated with an object. The ID value includes a three-character code that identifies which object the record is associated with. The ID for a specific record does not change.

For some objects, this field may also be a reference-type value, which contains the ID value for a related record. They are identified by field names ending in 'Id', such as priceListId. The ID field acts like foreign keys and their values can be changed using an update()call.


The Integer field contains whole numbers only. There are no digits after the decimal.


The List field includes a fixed set of values from which you must select a single value. Picklists are available as drop-down lists. If a picklist is unrestricted, the API does not limit entries to only currently active values.


The String field contains text and may have differing length restrictions based on the data you store in the specific field. For instance, City may be limited to 50 characters, while AddressLine1 is limited to 255 characters.