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AI Configurator

The AI Configurator helps users optimize their Salesforce environment using artificial intelligence. It simplifies setting up and configuring AI features like Conga Copilot, Redline AI, and Discovery AI, ensuring seamless integration with the Advantage Platform. The AI Configurator uses APIs to automatically configure the Salesforce org and the Advantage Platform.

To launch the AI Configurator from Salesforce org, ensure the following steps are completed.
  • A tenant is onboarded.
  • Conga CLM version number 16.783 or later is installed.
    Note: Customers can register their orgs for CLM package push upgrades or upgrade manually. For more on upgrading Conga CLM to the latest version, see Upgrading Conga CLM.
An administrator may take on one of several personas, including a customer administrator, partner administrator, or any other administrator, and is responsible for completing the entire setup process.
1Tenant Onboarding

When you purchase your Conga product, tenant is onboarded automatically. If you do not have access to the Advantage Platform, please reach out to your Conga representative.

Note: Onboard the environment directly if the customer already has an existing tenant.

For more information on logging in to Conga Advantage Platform, refer to Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform.

2Launching AI ConfiguratorAdministrator


Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform

The administrator ca manually configure the Advantage Platform to synchronize Discovery AI data seamlessly with Salesforce.

1Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform

The administrator and the Conga Cloud Ops team.

  • The administrator contacts the Conga service team to log a service ticket for tenant onboarding.
  • The Conga CloudOps team starts tenant onboarding based on the service ticket.
Note: Onboard the environment directly if the customer already has an existing tenant.
2Launching AI ConfiguratorAdministrator


Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform

The administrator can manually configure data synchronizing from Discovery AI back to Salesforce from Advantage Platform for customers.

Launching AI Configurator

Launch the AI Configurator to enable and configure AI features in a Salesforce org on the Advantage Platform.

  • Conga CLM version number 16.783 or later is installed.
  • The tenant is onboarded.
  • Profile Permission for AI Configurator is set to Default On in User Profiles.
The AI Configurator enables and configures AI features like Copilot, Redline AI, and Discovery AI within your Salesforce org. AI Configurator helps you bring Salesforce tenants onto the Advantage Platform, automatically configuring all required configurations, including external integrations, API connections, and URLs and permissions.
Note: Launching the AI Configurator is a one-time configuration process.

To launch the AI ConfiguratorTo launch the AI Configurator

  1. Log in to your Salesforce org.
  2. Go to the AI Configurator tab.
  3. Select the Conga Advantage Platform tenant environment from the drop-down menu. The available options are:
    • Preview
    • Production
    Note: To add environments like QA, Staging, or Dev to the default environments, you can configure the APTS_RLPEnvironmentSettings admin property and specify these environments in the code. This overrides the current base URLs for Preview and Production. For more information, see Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform.
  4. Click Launch AI Configurator.
    This launches the AI Configurator on the Advantage Platform.
  5. Log in to Advantage Platform with Conga IdP credentials.

    For more information on logging in to Conga Advantage Platform, refer to Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform.

  6. Select Yes from the Onboarding Copilot, Redline AI, and Discovery AI page.
  7. Click Proceed.
    The AI Configurator sets up the following in Advantage Platform and Salesforce:
    On the Advantage Platform
    • Assigns the following role permissions to the AuthAutoProvisionUser user role:
      • CongaCoPilotPermissionGroup
      • CongaCCIUserPermissionGroup
      • CongaCCIAdminPermissionGroup
      • CongaCLMAdminPermissionGroup
      • CongaPlatformAdminPermissionGroup
    • On the External Integrations tab, the new tenant's Identity Status field displays SUCCESS, indicating that the new tenant organization has been added.
    • The Auto Provision User Enabled field is set to Yes in Admin Console > Organization.
    • In the UI-to-API connection, Cors Origins points to the Salesforce Instance URL, and the Redirect URI points to the Copilot URL on the Advantage Platform.
    • Discovery AI is configured to extract data from Master Service Agreement (MSA) and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) documents automatically.
    • Provisions within the MSA and NDA documents, along with worksheets, are defined to extract specific data from the documents.
    In the Salesforce org
    • Enables theThe AI Configurator enables the Enable Copilot and Enable Redline AI properties in the Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform setting, which, by default, activates Copilot and Redline AI organization-wide for all users. Administrators can, however, manually adjust user or profile access through the user interface.
    • The APTS_RLPInstanceSettings admin setting automatically populates the AuthorizationURL, Instance URL of the tenant environment, and the SPAClient ID generated in the UI-to-API connection.
    • Disables the Launch AI Configurator button.
    • Completes the Discovery AI admin configuration.
Users can now access Conga Copilot, Redline AI, and Discovery AI.

(Optional) You can manually configure the Advantage Platform to synchronize Discovery AI data back to Salesforce.

(Optional) You can manually configure the Advantage Platform to synchronize Discovery AI data back to Salesforce.

Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform

This task explains how to manually configure the Advantage Platform for synchronizing Discovery AI data with Salesforce, ensuring seamless integration between the two platforms.

You can configure the Advantage Platform to synchronize Discovery AI data seamlessly with Salesforce.
To synchronize Discovery AI data from Advantage Platform to SalesforceTo synchronize Discovery AI data from Conga Advantage Platform to Salesforce
  1. Log in to the Salesforce org.
  2. Go to Setup > Identity > OAuth and OpenID Connect Settings.
  3. Toggle Allow OAuth Username-Password Flows on.
  4. Configure the Connected App feature in your Salesforce org to generate a client ID (consumer key) and a client secret (consumer secret). For more information, refer to For more information, refer toConga Advantage Platform Administration > Creating a Connected App Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platformdocumentation..
  5. Reset your Salesforce admin user security token.
  6. Log in to Conga Advantage Platform.
  7. Click the App Launcher () from the top-left corner > Admin Console > Data Sync.
  8. Click the More icon () on the Data Sync UI, and then click Settings. The Settings page appears.
  9. Configure Salesforce and Platform settings. For more information, refer to the "Salesforce Settings" and "Platform Settings" sections in Conga Advantage Platform > Getting Started with Data Sync
  10. Log in to Conga Advantage Platform.
  11. Click the App Launcher () from the top-left corner > Admin Console > Data Sync.
  12. Click the More icon () on the Data Sync UI, and then click Settings. The Settings page appears.
  13. Configure Salesforce and Platform settings. For more information, refer to the "Salesforce Settings" and "Platform Settings" sections in Synchronizing(Optional) Synchronizing Discovery AI Data between Salesforce and Advantage Platform.
Discovery AI data from the Advantage Platform is synchronized with your Salesforce org.