Conga Product Documentation

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To Add the Composer Lightning Component Through the Document Automation Wizard

  1. Click Conga Quick Start.
  2. Click Launch Wizard under Document Automation Wizard or click the pencil icon next to an existing Conga Solution record.
  3. Complete the initial four steps (Add Details, Gather Data, Add Templates, Assign Behaviors) or skip to the fifth step, Collection Step.
  4. Choose an existing Solution Collection or click Create Collection to create a new Solution Collection.
    • If you create a new Solution Collection, click the + button to add Conga Solutions to the Solution Collection and then click Save.
  5. Navigate to the sixth step in the Document Automation Wizard, Add Button to Page Layout.
  6. Select Go To Lightning App Builder.
  7. Click the Lightning Record Page where the Composer Lightning Composer will live.
  8. Click Edit.
  9. On the left-hand side, scroll down to the Custom - Managed Lightning Components.
  10. Drag the Conga Composer Lightning Component onto the Object Record Page.

    It is recommended to add one Composer Lightning Component per Lightning Record Page as best practice.

  11. Select the recently added Composer Lightning Component and choose a Solution Collection record from the Solution Collection picklist field.
  12. Click Save.

For information about specific features and parameter integration with the Composer Lightning Component, see Composer Lightning Component FAQs.