Using Conga Keys
To reference Conga Templates, Conga Email Templates, and Conga Queries in a Conga Solution with Conga Keys, use a record's unique external Id in the Key field as a parameter value for QueryId, TemplateId, CongaEmailTemplateId (CETId), or other additional Composer parameters.
Conga Keys is not supported for dynamic template, query, or email template selection when using the Lightning Component.
Conga Keys is available for use in the Conga Solution Manager or Composer Solutions created manually in Salesforce Setup.
In the example above, as a result of using a Conga Template record's Key field value (as opposed to the record Id), Composer and Salesforce successfully recognize the template in other Salesforce orgs when migrating the solution.
This example is applicable to any Conga Template, Conga Email Template, and Conga Query record referenced in a Conga Solution with its respective Key field's external Id.
Once all the Salesforce records for each Conga Solution, Conga Template, Conga Email Template, and Conga Query are migrated to an org, the Conga Solutions are ready for use. The administrator does not have to adjust the record Ids referenced in Conga Solutions.