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Use Case: Automate Conga Trigger Solution with Conga Sign

This use case shows how to create and configure a Conga Trigger solution that automatically generates a document and sends an email for eSignature.


The setup and solution may vary as per your business need.

For example, as an administrator, you want a Conga Trigger solution for the Opportunity object that will automatically generate a document (here, a Statement of Work (SOW)) and send an email for eSignature whenever a field SOW Required is updated with the true value. To understand the sequence and required setup and configuration for this use case, refer to the steps below:

  1. Create a Composer solution. For more information, see Building Composer Solution.

    For example, we created a solution with the following parameters in this case.

    [LostOpps]a038V00000W8a3E, //Sample queryId
    &TemplateId=a048V00000zqZgn //Sample templateId
    • The DS7=1142 and Recipient parameter must be included. You can also have multiple recipients. For more information, see DS7 and CSRecipient[1-10] parameter.
    • You can add other parameters as per your business use case.
  2. Check that your Composer button works as expected.
  3. Convert a Composer Button to a Formula Field.
  4. Create a field on the Opportunity object that will trigger the solution. For example, here we have created an SOW Required checkbox field.
  5. Create a Salesforce Flow that will initiate Conga Trigger. For more information, see Configuring Conga Trigger with Salesforce Flow.
  6. Check the SOW Required checkbox for any sample opportunity record and Test the Conga Trigger Solution.
  7. Check the Conga Trigger Dashboard to keep track of Conga Trigger events and errors.