Troubleshooting Conga Trigger Using Hyperlink Formula Fields
Conga recommends the use of the Hyperlink Formula Field technique as a first step whenever challenges arise in the use of Conga Trigger. This hyperlink field will be placed on the Master Object page layout and allows the system administrator to run the Conga Trigger process without having to invoke the Salesforce workflow rule.
The hyperlink field launches the user interface, but runs the Conga Trigger solution, thus providing all of the user interface capabilities of (such as the View Data workbook, templates, user license status, and error messages) while running Conga Trigger.
This approach also helps identify problems associated with access to templates, reports, and queries that can cause Conga Trigger process failures resulting from Salesforce session timeouts.
To create a hyperlink formula field to troubleshoot a Conga Trigger solution:
You now have a hyperlink field on your Master Object page layout to run your solution without having to initiate the Salesforce Conga Trigger rule.
You can use this troubleshooting link to launch Conga Trigger through the user interface to view error messages, download the View Data workbook, and so on.
QMode parameters do not function when you run Conga Trigger using this technique, so you must run your solution using the appropriate action from the user interface (such as Merge & Download or Email).