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About Contract Intelligence (Standalone)

Contract Intelligence (Standalone) is a freestanding, hosted user and document tool that ingests documents and stores them. As requested, Contract intelligence can optically scan documents entered into it for text search, can engage a powerful artificial intelligence to interpret ingested contracts and produce working metadata, and this result can, at your discretion, be reviewed by a lawyer for the highest accuracy.

Key Terms




Two-factor authentication.

automated extraction

The process of taking an OCRed file and determining the meaning of its component paragraphs and clauses using AI without human verification.


Abbreviation for "Conga Contract Intelligence."

Clause Library

Storage site for clauses.


CCI's search storage and analysis tool.

OCR (text extraction)

OCR is an abbreviation for "Optical Character Recognition." OCR (text extraction) is a processing phase for documents in Contract Intelligence. When a document is introduced to the system, it is OCRed (if necessary) and stored.


A document introduced in the CCI system that has been OCRed or stored as a file in its native format (Word, Excel, e.g.), but not extracted. These documents are word-searchable, but do not have meanings extracted or taxonomized and have limited tagging options.

verified extraction

The process of taking an OCRed file and deriving the meaning of its component paragraphs and clauses using AI with human verification.

Getting Started

If you are new to Contract Intelligence, begin with Getting Started.