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Editing a Workflow Team

A user with the Workflow Admin permission can edit a workflow team by adding and/or deleting members of the team. They can also edit its name and description to assist users in selecting the correct team for a workflow.

A workflow team works in conjunction with a workflow template, as well as a routing table if the template contains an approval step.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click Workflow Teams.
  2. In the Workflow Teams browse screen, locate the team you want to edit, and click on it to select it.
  3. In the Workflow Team Edit screen, you can edit:
    • Team Name and Team Description fields to clarify the use of the workflow team when users run the Workflow Wizard.
    • Members of the team by adding and/or deleting members.
    • Use the Address Book to add program users to the team.
      • Click on a person's record to select them and add their name to the Workflow Team list box. To quickly locate a person, enter the first few letters of their first or last name in the Search field, and click the magnifying glass. To clear the filter, click x.
      • Click Submit to add the team member(s) and close the Address Book.
  4. Click Save.

For more information, see Adding a Workflow Team.