Conga Product Documentation

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Running the Application in Localhost

Now that the SDK and dependent libraries are installed and ready for use, you must use the npm run build command. This command builds the angular application in your local machine.

To run your application locally on your local machine use the ng serve command. This command runs the E-Commerce site locally in your local machine against the configuration that you set up during the npm install phase.

Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ to see how your application looks like. The application displays categories, products, pricing, and more based on the Price List selected in the Storefront record. The app is automatically reloaded if you change any of the source files.

Bootstrap Theme Changes

Bootstrap and ngx Bootstrap (angular wrapper to Bootstrap) is installed during the npm install phase. The templates are built around the Bootstrap as a UI framework. You can change to any other mechanism if you don't want to use Bootstrap.

A variables.scss file is installed in the template. If you want to do some quick and easy theme change to your template, you can modify this file as per your requirement. All this follows standard Bootstrap framework constructs to modify cards, dropdowns, forms, buttons, and more.