API Cache
Stores record information such as Line Item Ids and Attribute metadata for quick loading thus improving performance. When changes are made in the metadata of an object you are using, you should always clean the Api Cache objects.
API Name
Supported Calls
Label |
QualifiedApiName |
NamespacePrefix |
DataType |
Description |
Data |
Apttus_WebStore__Data__c |
Apttus_WebStore |
Long Text Area (131072) |
Identifier |
Apttus_WebStore__Identifier__c |
Apttus_WebStore |
Text (250) (External ID) (Unique Case Insensitive) |
Key |
Apttus_WebStore__Key__c |
Apttus_WebStore |
Text (250) |
ProfileId |
Apttus_WebStore__ProfileId__c |
Apttus_WebStore |
Text (18) |
User profile ID. |
Sequence |
Apttus_WebStore__Sequence__c |
Apttus_WebStore |
Number (18, 0) |
Storefront |
Apttus_WebStore__StorefrontId__c |
Apttus_WebStore |
Lookup (Storefront) |
This is a lookup to the Storefront object. |