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Authenticating Digital Commerce APIs


This page describes the headless Digital Commerce service that enables rapid experience-first commerce development and applications.

The Digital Commerce API follows a microservice architecture that enables commerce into any part of an application and is built on the JSON API specification, follows predictable REST URLs and supports cross-origin resource sharing.


The Digital Commerce API is installed with the Digital Commerce managed package and can be exposed to external applications via a Salesforce site or community. Once a community or site has been built, all API's will have the structure.`


The Digital Commerce API ensures backward compatibility by properly versioning any changes to the APIs. Should changes to the API structure need to be made, it will occur within a new version and older functionality will be preserved.

X-Storefront Header Parameter

In order to match your API requests with a storefront, the x-storefront parameter must be used with all requests in the request header. It should match a storefront name record in SFDC. x-storefront: my-storefront`

Content Type

Requests made to the API must be encoded as JSON and contain the header.Content-Type: application/json

X-Account Header Parameter

In order to set the default account, the account value from header can be passed as query param, the x-account parameter is optional in the request header. If passed it should match the Id of the account record in SFDC. x-account: 0011900000hnGsr`


You can easily include resource relationships on most top-level resources. Multiple includes are defined using comma delimited values.


Server side caching is used and can be configured per request using the cacheStrategy query parameter


Any request that returns an error follows a standard format. The Digital Commerce API will return an array of errors that contains objects containing the status, title and data with the error details.
201Created Successfully
200Updated Successfully
204Deleted Successfully
400 Invalid JSON
422Validation Error
500Something went wrong on our end