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With this API, you can submit bulk approval requests for review. This API accepts a list of BulkCtxObjectParams as input parameter and responds with a message that the requests were submitted. You can also add comments to your approval requests. You cannot submit approval requests with attachments. If you submit previously submitted or approved approvals as part of bulk approval request, the approval request is submitted again.This API is useful when you need to submit a large number of approval requests for various context objects. For example, you are the approvals admin for a data service organization and you need to submit all the approval records for 5 agreements. Using submitForApprovalsBulk API, you can submit all the approval records in one go by calling this API and providing the type and IDs of the five agreements as request parameters.
curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{"ctxObjParams":[{"ctxSObjectType":"Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c","ctxSObjectId":"a0156000003Zhmp","comments":{"processComment":"Here is my submission comment","commentsLevel":"Process","commentsCount":1}}]}'
1{"title":"success","status":200,"data":"Your request(s) have been submitted for approval.\nYou will be notified when approvals are complete."}