Footer Section

API to mark the clauses as final for the agreement. It takes DocumentVersionIds as an optional parameter (list of ids). If this parameter is passed as null, then it will mark clauses as final for all the documents whose version details have flag IsSentForManualSignature__c set to true. If this parameter is passed, then only the respective document version’s clauses will be marked as final.
It takes DocumentVersionIds as an optional parameter (list of ids). If this parameter is passed as null, then it will mark clauses as final for all the documents whose version details have flag IsSentForManualSignature__c set to true. If this parameter is passed, then only the respective document version’s clauses will be marked as final.
It takes DocumentVersionIds as an optional parameter (list of ids). If this parameter is passed as null, then it will mark clauses as final for all the documents whose version details have flag IsSentForManualSignature__c set to true. If this parameter is passed, then only the respective document version’s clauses will be marked as final.
Clauses for the agreement are marked as final
curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Authorization: Bearer 123' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data 'Example cannot be created for this schemaError: Invalid reference token: finalizeClausesForSendForSignatureRequest'