Footer Section

The cart items post endpoint can be used to add new line items to an existing cart. This is the most common type of cart action. A successful post returns the rules and line items associated with the added product.
Multiple line items may be returned if the product added is associated with a bundle.
Pricing for the added product is calculated as an asynchronous process after the product is added and may not be immediatley available on the line item. While pricing is being calculated, the 'IsPricePending' field on the cart is 'True'.
The reference to the cart or 'active' for the current active cart.
The namespace for the fields is prefixed if set to False. By default it is True.
The pricing strategy to use. 'default' | 'async' | 'skip'
The rule strategy to use. 'default' | 'async' | 'skip'
The account value from the header is taken as default account if passed as query parameter.
Content type of the request body.
The name of the storefront used for the request.
Request body of Add product to cart.
Example 1: Line Item and associated attributes and product attributes.
Example 2: Single product record or an array of products (if multiple).
Example 3: List of line items of favorites added to cart.
curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic 123' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'x-account: ' \--header 'x-storefront: ' \--data '{"LineItem": {"attributes": {"type": "Apttus_Config2__LineItem__c"},"Apttus_Config2__LineNumber__c": "1.0","Apttus_Config2__PrimaryLineNumber__c": "1.0","Apttus_Config2__ItemSequence__c": null,"Apttus_Config2__PricingStatus__c": "Pending","Apttus_Config2__Product__c": "01t1T000005BXpfQAG","Apttus_Config2__ConfigurationId__c": "a1I3I000000e7GLUAY","Apttus_Config2__Quantity__C": 1,"Apttus_Config2__SellingTerm__c": null},"ProductAttributes": {"attributes": {}}}'