Footer Section

The query endpoint can be used to obtain complex result sets for the client application. When using the query endpoint, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of the underlying SOQL and SOSL platforms that power this API. In addition, performance can vary based on the complexity of the query request. Request body should be an object containing the key and value with the following fields as shown in example below.
The name of the storefront used for the request.
The account value from the header is taken as default account if passed as query parameter.
Content type of the request body.
The name of the storefront used for the request.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
page | Pagination | - | Pagination Object representing the per page limit and desired page number. |
sortOrder | Array (Sort) | - | Array of sort objects to sort the result set. |
cacheStrategy | "performance", "freshness" | freshness | Desired cache strategy. |
conditions | Array (Condition) | - | Array of conditions to apply to the query. |
expressionOperator | "OR", "AND" | "AND" | The expression used to combine conditions and filters. |
filters | Array (Filter) | - | Array of filters to apply to the query. |
joins | Array (Join) | - | Array of join objects to apply to the query. |
lookups | Array (Lookup) | - | Array of lookup fields to populate on the result set. |
children | Array (Children) | - | Array of child records to populate on the result set. |
groupBy | List (String) | - | Array of fields to group the result set by. |
aggregate | true / false | false | When set to True, result returns only aggregate data. |
aggregateFields | Array (AggregateField) | - | List of fields to provide additional aggregate data. |
searchString | String | - | Query string to search for records based on text input. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
pageLimit | Number | - | The maximum number of records in the result set. |
pageNumber | Number | - | The desired page number of the results. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
field | String | - | The desired field to sort the results by. |
direction | "ASC", "DESC" | "ASC" | The direction to apply to the sorted field. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
field | String | - | The desired field to apply a condition to. |
filterOperator | Operator | - | The operator to use for the condition (See operators list). |
value | String / Number / Boolean | - | The expected value for the condition. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
conditions | Array (Condition) | - | The conditions to apply within the filter. |
expressionOperator | "AND", "OR" | "AND" | The expression used to combine the conditions. |
filters | Array (Filter) | - | An array of child filters. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
fromAttribute | String | - | The key on the primary table used in the join (Commonly, Id). |
toAttribute | String | - | The foreign key on the joining table. |
apiName | String | - | The fully qualified API name of the table to join. |
conditions | Array (Condition) | - | An array of conditions to apply to the join. |
filters | Array (Filter) | - | An array of filters to apply to the join. |
expressionOperator | "AND", "OR" | "AND" | The expression used to combine conditions and filters. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
field | String | - | The field on the object containing the Id of the reference record. |
lookups | Array (Lookup) | - | Array of nested lookups to apply to the reference result. |
children | Array (Children) | - | An array of child data to query on the reference record. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
field | String | - | The field on the object referencing the child records. |
page | Pagination | - | Pagination Object representing the per page limit and desired page number. |
filters | Array (Filter) | - | Array of filters to apply to the query. |
sortOrder | Array (Sort) | - | Array of sort objects to sort the result set. |
lookups | Array (Lookup) | - | Array of lookup fields to populate on the result set. |
children | Array (Children) | - | Array of child records to populate on the result set. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
field | String | - | The field to apply an aggregation to. |
aggregateType | Aggregate Function | - | The aggregate function to use (See aggregate function list). |
curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic 123' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'x-account: ' \--header 'x-storefront: ' \--data '{"expressionOperator": "AND","view": "detail","parentKeys": [],"expand": true,"waitForExpansion": true,"cacheStrategy": "freshness","conditions": [{"field": "Active","filterOperator": "Equal","val": true,"value": true,"apiName": "Apttus_Config2__ProductAttributeRule__c"}],"filters": [{"conditions": [{"field": "ProductScope","filterOperator": "Equal","val": "All","value": "All","apiName": "Apttus_Config2__ProductAttributeRule__c"},{"field": "ProductScope","filterOperator": "In","val": ["01t4R00000J5R6aQAF"],"value": "01t4R00000J5R6aQAF","apiName": "Apttus_Config2__ProductAttributeRule__c"}],"filters": null,"expressionOperator": "OR","apiName": "Apttus_Config2__ProductAttributeRule__c"}],"page": {"pageLimit": 50,"pageNumber": 1},"joins": [],"children": [{"field": "Apttus_Config2__ProductAttributeRuleActions__r","filters": [],"children": null,"lookups": null}],"aggregateFields": []}'
1{2"title": "success",3"status": 200,4"data": [5{6"ShowTabView": false,7"Version": 1,8"ExcludeFromSitemap": false,9"Uom": "Each",10"Icon": "<a href=\"/apex/Apttus_Config2__IconUploader?productId=01t1T000005BXnn\" target=\"_top\"><img src=\"/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=00P190000025drwEAA\" alt=\"Icon\" style=\"height:50px; width:50px;\" border=\"0\"/></a>",11"IconSize": "259x194",12"IconId": "00P190000025drwEAA",13"HasSearchAttributes": false,14"HasOptions": true,15"HasDefaults": false,16"HasAttributes": true,17"Customizable": true,18"ConfigurationType": "Bundle",19"IsArchived": false,20"IsDeleted": false,21"CurrencyIsoCode": "SEK",22"Family": "Hardware",23"SystemModstamp": "2019-06-19T05:20:00.000Z",24"LastModifiedById": "00550000000vtlpAAA",25"LastModifiedDate": "2019-06-19T05:20:00.000Z",26"CreatedById": "00550000000vtlpAAA",27"CreatedDate": "2019-05-08T11:12:53.000Z",28"IsActive": true,29"Description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tempor elementum ex, sit amet ullamcorper lacus pellentesque sed. Praesent eget orci nunc. Praesent nisi ex, gravida ac semper a, suscipit vitae mi. Donec eu lacus a nunc tincidunt feugiat vitae pretium risus. Morbi eleifend lobortis condimentum. Nullam tincidunt ipsum nec est gravida, quis vehicula tellus vehicula. Aenean fringilla nisi id est volutpat, sit amet rhoncus sapien consectetur. Etiam vestibulum pharetra justo et blandit. Praesent metus lacus, sagittis vel tempus in, posuere eget justo. Donec et nisi sed sem scelerisque pellentesque sit amet id velit. Mauris lobortis augue fermentum vulputate viverra. Proin dictum mi cursus ante tempor feugiat. In vulputate aliquam leo ut suscipit. Mauris vel dui tincidunt, tincidunt lorem a, suscipit sem. Ut sit amet nisi elementum, lacinia purus eget, tristique orci. Nulla ut arcu lectus.",30"ProductCode": "CSS",31"Name": "Cloud Server Solution",32"Id": "01t1T000005BXnnQAG"33},34{35"ShowTabView": false,36"Version": 1,37"ExcludeFromSitemap": false,38"Uom": "Each",39"Icon": "<a href=\"/apex/Apttus_Config2__IconUploader?productId=01t1T000005BXpB\" target=\"_top\"><img src=\"/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=00P190000025dzlEAA\" alt=\"Icon\" style=\"height:50px; width:50px;\" border=\"0\"/></a>",40"IconId": "00P190000025dzlEAA",41"HasSearchAttributes": false,42"HasOptions": true,43"HasDefaults": false,44"HasAttributes": true,45"Customizable": false,46"ConfigurationType": "Bundle",47"IsArchived": false,48"IsDeleted": false,49"CurrencyIsoCode": "SEK",50"Family": "Hardware",51"SystemModstamp": "2019-11-21T06:42:07.000Z",52"LastModifiedById": "00550000000vtlpAAA",53"LastModifiedDate": "2019-11-21T06:42:07.000Z",54"CreatedById": "00550000000vtlpAAA",55"CreatedDate": "2019-05-08T11:12:53.000Z",56"IsActive": true,57"ProductCode": "CS",58"Name": "Cloud Servers",59"Id": "01t1T000005BXpBQAW"60}61]62}